View Full Version : Bluefish

09-30-2014, 03:58 PM
Great trip Mon on the Cock Robin.All the fish 8 to14 lb.Even i caught the limit Nice group of anglers lol Ibelive all limited out.We fished about 14 miles out.If you like fishing for blues and want a battel now the time it dont get much better.Good luck:

shrimpman steve
09-30-2014, 04:04 PM
Love lookin for a fight on the cock robin. Glad you got em. One of the hardest fighting fish out there and a very hard working crew on the robin

09-30-2014, 07:25 PM
15 fish x 10# avg
What does one do with 150# of bluefish?

09-30-2014, 08:31 PM
15 fish x 10# avg
What does one do with 150# of bluefish?

See my report on the wmidotorg website. At the end of the trip, there only 2 bluefish in my cooler. When I switched to bait, I caught 4 very quickly. 4 is my limit using bait. Had I switched to bait earlier, and stayed w/ it to the end, I could have easily put 15 into a cooler. They would not fit into my cooler, however. 2 big bluefish and bags of ice are it, and that is intentional:).

For those readers who have trouble finding the afore-mentioned website, here is the report:
"Report: 25-to-30 fares, a good crowd for the last Monday in Sept. I believe the location was Shark River Reef, about a 1-1/2-hour ride on the CR. Many large bluefish -- at 1st they were hitting jigs, then later bait took over. Boating 9, I put only 2 in my cooler. Some were given away, some were gaffed in the chin so that they could be released, one was hand-lined up to be released, and the last I asked Jarret to try to catch the hook of the lure w/ the gaff. He did it and the fish shook off -- good job, Jarret! Once bait took over, it was non-stop action. My personal limit is 4 on bait; returned to jigging on the non-drift side of the boat to catch the afore-mentioned fish. The ride in took 2-1/ 2hours because Capt. Jim slowed down to give Bill and Garret enough time to fillet all those fish. Some fishermen were releasing fish, as I was, but others kept everything. Hopefully the fish were put to good use."

shrimpman steve
09-30-2014, 10:23 PM
Nice detailed report

10-01-2014, 01:55 PM
In my report, above, it should be "Garrett", not "Jarrett".