View Full Version : just got back from montauk

bunker dunker
09-29-2014, 10:13 AM
went up early Thursday morning with hopes of fishing Thursday afternoon.That was a big "No" as was all day Friday.East north east 25-35,from the lighthouse it looked like a giant washing machine.the wind started dropping out early Friday afternoon and by Saturday she was ok to fish.we leave the dock at 6am and fishing by 6:30.We started out pulling the parachutes jig and had bluefish right away.As the tide picked up the stripers took over and it was a steady pick of keepers and "just shorts".We did this for a few hours and then went to drifting eels.the bait fishing was much slower but the stripers were allot bigger.We limited the boat{8 bass} up to 31lbs.With a few hours left we go porgy fishing and what a blast with hub cap size porgys.It was drop and reel fishing with allot of double headers.When all was said and done we had 8 bass from 15 to 31 lbs and 75 big porgys{we could have limited}.So now on to sundays trip for sea bass,only being able to fish with in 3 miles as sea bass is closed in federal waters in ny.leave the dock again at 6am and fishing by 7am.I started out jigging a plain ava 27 and it was
a biscut a cast for the first 1-1/2 hours then they just wanted the bait.we had to pick thru allot of shorts but we got our limit with quite a few 3-4lbers mixed in.we had a hour to spare so we drifted eels and put 2 nice stripers in the box.
32 biscuts to 4lbs and 2 20lb stripers.its a great place with great peeps.wish I could have stayed longer.The capt and boat we used are great and if anyone is interested just pm me for the info.:D

09-29-2014, 10:18 AM
Nice report, Ed. Sounds like you stocked your freezer for the winter :)

09-29-2014, 12:20 PM
Great report Eddie. I haven't seen you much this year as my fluking days have been limited by the little one. Let me know if you are doing any tuna trips and need another. ttyl

Art Berkman
09-29-2014, 12:31 PM
Good stuff Ed!!!

Please send me your email address.

bunker dunker
09-29-2014, 12:45 PM
thanks guys.was a great trip.if anyone is heading that way soon let me know.i can't wait to get up that way again

shrimpman steve
09-29-2014, 01:57 PM
My favorite village in the country. I'll call you later. Did u do any sightseeing. Camp hero is beautiful.

bunker dunker
09-29-2014, 02:47 PM
the whole place is blessed.it is fishing fishing and fishing.

09-29-2014, 04:07 PM
I am glad you were able to fill your fridge from this trip Ed! I hope to see ya in the winter Cod fishing on the Gambler or others down in Point.


shrimpman steve
09-29-2014, 04:18 PM
It was a better place before the hamptons crowd discovered there is life past east Hampton. It has really gotten yuppieized the last ten years

bunker dunker
09-29-2014, 04:36 PM
its ok steve,they don't like the smell of clams!!!!same as the vineyard.oh yea if anyone is looking for the false albies they are there so thick ya can walk on them.the long rodders were putting a hurten on them.

Capt. Lou
09-29-2014, 05:26 PM
Nothing like Montauk ! Fished out there heavily in the 70/80's & off an on thru today !
The ride & traffic makes it tougher today unless u go by boat , however very expensive now to make the run.

09-29-2014, 11:51 PM
great report Ed, sounds like sum epic fishing u never forget......never been out there, but its on my short list "to do" good stuff bud

bunker dunker
09-30-2014, 04:54 PM
one more bit of info,there is so much bait up there this year.the sea bass and stripers were spitting up 3 to 5 inch weakfish like crazy.the capt said there was miles of reads of bait.