View Full Version : Efinger Fall Fishing Sale September 26th - October 5th

09-26-2014, 11:24 AM
All Tsunami Rods 25% Off...in addition all Airwave Surf and Airwave Elite Surf rod purchases receives a free Tsumani Plug with Purchase!!!

All traditional Bomber salt water Long A (16A) and A-Salt Plugs $5.99

All Al Gag's Eel Tail Jigs 20%-40% Off

All Shimano Butterfly Jigs 20%-45% Off

All in stock AquaSkinz surf tops 20%-25% Off

Select Custom Wood Plugs 20%-40% Off

Sale starts today and ends October 5th!

09-30-2014, 04:25 PM
do you sell the tsunami 5 star rods? I wanted to get a couple for my yak instead of using my good stuff. 1 piece 7 foot spinning, with a short cork handle would be perfect

09-30-2014, 06:38 PM

At the moment I do not, however I am expecting a new order in within the next 2 days and I do have 5 Star 7' 1 piece spinning rods in Medium Heavy on the order. I will post as soon as I receive them.

10-01-2014, 11:16 AM

At the moment I do not, however I am expecting a new order in within the next 2 days and I do have 5 Star 7' 1 piece spinning rods in Medium Heavy on the order. I will post as soon as I receive them.

cool thanks, I need to get a new rop tip glued on also on a rod I snapped 4" off of, been meaning to get over there at some point soon.

10-01-2014, 03:31 PM

I just received 3 of the 7' 5 Star spinning rods. Normally $39.99 now on sale $29.99. If you want me put one or more aside for you, just let me know.

10-01-2014, 08:53 PM
Do you have anything in 8 or 9 foot for surf jigging fluke?

10-02-2014, 11:20 AM

I just received 3 of the 7' 5 Star spinning rods. Normally $39.99 now on sale $29.99. If you want me put one or more aside for you, just let me know.

you don't have to do that since im not sure when I will be able to get over there, im going to try tonight, or Saturday morning. what are the specs on that rod, and how long is the butt?

10-02-2014, 02:05 PM
Do you have anything in 8 or 9 foot for surf jigging fluke?

We have several 8' to 9'6" that are rated in the 1oz to 2 oz range (several of which are in the tsunami line and on sale) that I think would work well for you. Stop in with your reel and we can spend some time trying out the balance of a couple different rods.

10-02-2014, 02:09 PM
you don't have to do that since im not sure when I will be able to get over there, im going to try tonight, or Saturday morning. what are the specs on that rod, and how long is the butt?

The rod butt is appoximately 13" to the base of the reel seat. The rod is rated 12-25 lb and 1/2 oz to 3 oz.

If you are looking for a kayak stick, you might also consider some of the newer saphire xt series that are shot (like 6'3") but very light and strong.

If you stop in either tonight or Saturday, be sure to say hi...my name is Braden.


10-02-2014, 08:13 PM
All Tsunami Rods 25% Off
Picked up a new rod today for party boat fishing, 25% off.

Thanks Braden.

10-07-2014, 10:40 AM
The rod butt is appoximately 13" to the base of the reel seat. The rod is rated 12-25 lb and 1/2 oz to 3 oz.

If you are looking for a kayak stick, you might also consider some of the newer saphire xt series that are shot (like 6'3") but very light and strong.

If you stop in either tonight or Saturday, be sure to say hi...my name is Braden.


braden, I probably should have asked when I was there on Saturday, but do you have any rod butts in stock? doesn't even have to be the same as this one, just looking to finish the cut end with something halfway decent looking.

10-07-2014, 10:46 AM
like this one