View Full Version : Our trip to Block canyon on Steel Leader

EEL killer
09-24-2014, 03:01 PM
So last wednesday I get a call from Rick of Carnivour sport fishing telling me Cpt.Steve wants to go tuna fishing and wants rick to put a crew together .MY answer was immediately YES .Trip was for 48hours leaving on Friday and coming back Sunday. Considering I had 3 trips this year and skunked on 1 and did ok on the other 2 I was excited. Got to the boat on friday at 6pm but the wind was howling so we did not get out till 7am Saturday morning. Weather forecast said 4 to 7 footers with gusts up to 30 .Pretty harsh ? but not on Steel Leader that boat plows through waves like a tank .All the way down we were chilling in the back of the boat , doing a BBQ having a few beers and just having fun. Got to the spot around 3pm ,looked for life and eventually found it and Cpt.Steve set up on a drift .First drift we had 6 in the box lost 2 due to equipment malfunction and had tuna under the boat for the next 4 hours .Then it died down .The highlight of the night was a 10 foot 400lb blue marlin that came to feed on our chunks .What an incredible sight.Must have been within 2 feet from the boat.Mental note :Randy NO free gaffing 400lb fish lol .At first light the rod goes off and it's a big eye .After 1.5 hour he is in the boat ,not a big fish around 110 lbs but an angry one. Total 17yft in a 60-90 lb range and a little big eye .Great crew ,Great Captain and a fantastic boat .Truly was fishing in luxury.Thank you Rick for inviting me,Doug you are truly a great chef ,the food you cooked for us was restaurant quality ,the mate was great and thank you Cpt.Steve for a great trip . :)

09-24-2014, 03:14 PM
Great trip with an awesome crew on an awesome boat. Cant wait till next time

09-24-2014, 03:40 PM
Yea Man! Great trip. The tuna bite was silly while it lasted. Great job by Barry and by Capt. Steve for making the right call on the spot. Great times with some old and some new friends.

Art Berkman
09-24-2014, 06:41 PM
Good Times with an awesome crew!!!

09-24-2014, 09:47 PM
I was replaced on the grill??? Never missing another trip! Glad to see you guys got on 'em!

09-24-2014, 10:21 PM
Outstanding Trip. That boat is truly Insane. Would love opportunity to fish it one day. Great report


Joey Dah Fish
09-24-2014, 10:25 PM
Great trip guys glad you gottem good :D