View Full Version : PB's for tuna

09-24-2014, 02:17 PM
Other than Voyager, Gambler, Golden Eagle, and Big Jamaica, does anyone know of PB's that tuna fish. 2 of my favorite Tuna PB's are booked, 1 does not have enough spots left, and the other I would not tuna fish on again (not mentioning names of course). Am I missing something? Need a PB on certain dates that have at least 5 spots open:confused:

09-24-2014, 02:26 PM
You can check the MiMi out of Point. Not a party boat but they do open trips. Other than that Barnegat Light has one you can look into.

09-24-2014, 03:12 PM
If I had 5 guys I would contact charter boat like Russian Roulette, they only carry 5 guys and you have the whole boat !!!! not you and 19 of your not so best friends!! or any charter for that matter. Call around you might be surprised who has openings!!!

My 2 cents!


Pennsy Guy
09-24-2014, 04:34 PM
If I had 5 guys I would contact charter boat like Russian Roulette, they only carry 5 guys and you have the whole boat !!!! not you and 19 of your not so best friends!! or any charter for that matter. Call around you might be surprised who has openings!!!

My 2 cents!


I agree...go to the bar strip just under the ads at top of this page, click on "charter boats" and good luck with hooking up-both on a charter and with tuna!!!