View Full Version : Party boat Angler 13 pounder today

captain george angler
09-23-2014, 07:35 PM
The big fluke continue to bite. Bill Karg from Millington NJ caught our biggest fluke of the year a 13 pound 2 oz beauty. His brother Tom was leading the pool with a nice 7 pound fluke. After that there were some more 7 and 8's caught. We ended the day with 30 to 40 keepers.

Bill was not in our big pool so Jim still leads with a 9# 9 oz fluke. He was lucky last week when Alvin had a ten pounder and now a thirteen not in the pool.

Numbers wise it is not been great but the action has been steady all day and the size is great.

We will be down in the morning and hope to get the day in before it blows. We will not sail Thursday and will decide on Friday Thursday night.

No galley tomorrow.


Thanks captain George

09-23-2014, 08:13 PM
Aft rail was the place to be today. 6 of those 7 guys had big fish today.

09-23-2014, 08:57 PM
13# :eek::eek:

Joey Dah Fish
09-23-2014, 09:12 PM
Way to go Capt and Angler

Irish Jigger
09-23-2014, 10:40 PM
Nice fish!!!!

09-23-2014, 10:55 PM
Congrats on 13 pounder. Welcome to the 13 pound club.


09-24-2014, 08:56 AM
Congrats on the Mat -

Way to go Capt G. - nice to see them coming over the rails

I have been an armchair fisherman/cheerleader this fluke season


09-24-2014, 05:28 PM
That Fluke was so big that you could measure it top to bottom and it would be legal ! Say Capt did you notice the red tide on the way in?

captain george angler
09-24-2014, 07:36 PM
Yes a great fish. I did see the red tide and we rarely see it this late in the year. It had to have come from back in the bay or uo the naversink as we were on the bottom of the tide. I did not see it today.