View Full Version : Jigging World 3 DAY PEI Giant tuna trip!

09-23-2014, 01:39 PM
I booked Tightline Tours Capt. Greg Norton 4 days when he had a cancellation.
We lost Friday fishing due to North/east wind but Capt. said it was OK in the morning.

Mike from peace token and my Buddy Ben from Boston joined trip. thanks Ben for driving and chucking all the timer. Chancy must love you for doing his work^^.

First day of fishing in PEI.
It was cold and rough. Wind picked up to 35miles/hour, but fish didn't mind.
We marked fish all day.
Mike fought the first fish 40min and passed rod to me, after 10 min we got the leader and fish pulled hook.. again my butt hit the deck. ouch..

I fought second fish and 45min lator taged and released. GH Giant rod performed very well though I made some mistakes build the rod.

Mike fought the third fish and got the leader about 50min. But some how the rod broke and leader broke while hand lining. . He banged the rod several times and I think it damaged blank. ( I also bang the rod on gunnel )

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we were lucky, they killed two fish on the dock, we were able to get one head and it was delicious..

09-23-2014, 01:40 PM
Day 2 at PEI. fish was slow compare to yesterday. But Capt. Greg Norton put us on fish. First fish was on dead hearing and the other was on live mackerel.

Ben fought the first fish, nice fat 750lb gaint boated in 1 hour. He fought the gaint first time but handled like pro.

Second fish fought by Mike but lost due to broken rod and broken leader. The rail was little high on him and he is not familiar with bucket harnesse. The belt was in low position and he was not able to lower the tip when the giant pull so hard.

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Day 3. no fish. we had storm and wind gusts up to 69mile/hour. we had to wait until 11:00am to go out.
we did mark 1 fish under the boat for 2 hours, but she never come up and eat our bait.
while fishing is slow, Capt. Greg cooked lobsters for us, it was soooooo good.. and fresh oysters..


Lesson learned, we have better idea for our next Giant blank model.
although I landed 750lb and 850lb giant each rod, but did not last for mikes fish. I did see rod design problem also we need more back bone. we will try again next year.
We will rename these mini Giant blanks. * ;D ;D


09-23-2014, 04:23 PM
Thanks for the report Yong. Awesome pictures of some giants there! I would love to catch a giant one day soon.

09-25-2014, 07:37 AM
Thanks pete.
