View Full Version : Fluke/Tog
09-22-2014, 09:28 AM
Sunday looked a bit better weather wise, so I headed out solo with the idea to give Fluke a shot and then switch over to Tog and scout out a couple spots.
Went deep and Fluking was terrible and after 2 hours without a sniff....I was done. :mad:
2 mile move to some different sticky stuff and mark my spot with a jug and sinker (yeah, I'm old school). Run up current and adjust for the wind. Send down the grapple and back up to within 5 feet of my float. Nice! Grab the rod and reach down for a crab...POP!! Back goes out and I'm down for the count. Lay there for a couple mins and then pull myself together. Ease up onto the leaning post and asses the situation. Think maybe I'll try fishing to take my mind off it so I cut a crab and send it down. Instant bite and swing a 3 pound Tog in the boat. Set him free and bait up again...Bam! Another keeper size. Now Sunday did have a pretty good roll and there was some fog too, so I'm blaming this on that. I started to feel sick and I couldn't take it anymore. Shuffled over the bow and took the tag end of the anchor line and tied off on the midship cleat. Undid the bow line and used the boat to pop the grapple (TG I had it zip tied). Hand over hand while leaning on the gunnel and into the boat. Took an hour and a half at 15mph and was lucky enough to catch the outgoing against the SE wind at the hook. MF'r :mad:
Chiropractor appointment at 4:00 and will try acupuncture as well. Needed a spinal epidural last time so trying to nip this one in the bud.
shrimpman steve
09-22-2014, 09:35 AM
That sucks. I keep a couple of pain killers with me just in case. Glad you made it back ok.
09-22-2014, 12:06 PM
Only those that have really bad backs can understand.. When its bad, you are simply out of commission in intense pain, unable to stand or walk.. It has a terrible effect on quality of life, no matter who you are, or what you have.
I have had years of the exact same problem and can sympathize.. Rest up, and hopefully t will calm down before long... bob
Gerry Zagorski
09-22-2014, 12:19 PM
Wow, that sucks. Hope you can get some relief soon Bob :(
Joey Dah Fish
09-22-2014, 01:37 PM
Yikes been there just walked from helm to cockpit and fell flat on my face. Like lightening just went through your whole body. Ice and pretzel stretches work best for me. Lots and lots of Advil. Usually take 4 then 4 hours later 4 more. If you have a good stomach of course. Hitting a specific dose brings them to an anti inflammatory Good luck glad you got a few fish :D:D:D
09-22-2014, 02:10 PM
Lightning strike is the best way to describe it. Followed closely by intense muscle spasm/cramp. Pure evil. Gone through rehab, stretching, chiropractor (this worked the best) and a spinal epidural for relief. Ever bone I've ever broken combined doesn't hurt as much as it.
Just got back from seeing our very own Doc Sokal and have slight improvement. 4 Advil every 5 hours for the first 48 and muscle relaxers around 6:00pm. Still working because I don't have a job with sick days.
To answer a couple questions I've been pm' were in 65-70' of water. I was told this is where they've been "active" and they were.
09-22-2014, 02:54 PM
Been dealing with the back thing for years
There is only so much you can do
Broken Bones heal easier than anything , any soft tissue damage is the worst
Stretching, chiro's , acupuncture will all help but they all take time
Epiderals are a last resort when all else fails ( had my share ) - they are hit or miss - most work - some dont
Try and take it slow and try to let the injury heal as best as you can - drink plenty of water to help with the injury/disc
Do the best you can with trying to take it easy/ be a father / run a business
- Good Luck Bob-O - heal up and feel better
09-22-2014, 03:12 PM
I was on crutches and in wheel chair for almost a year, finally had back surgery for disc problem. Have done everything pretty much, about a year ago started using an inversion table and haven't been back to chiro since. Hope you get straightened out.
09-22-2014, 07:49 PM
As the man said if you don't have back problems it's very hard to understand. Have been dealing with L4, L5 problems 30 years +. Sometimes something simple as a sneeze brings me to my knees. If I lay down immediately for a couple minutes and relax it works. Otherwise it's Aleve, motrin, naprosan etc,etc. My most recent episode had lingered for 2 weeks before I had to go see Dr. I feel for you pal. Best of luck.
Good Fishin UNC
09-22-2014, 08:43 PM
Back problems are a drag. Typically, if Aleve and stuff like that actually help, you are one of the luckier ones.. Disc problems can sometimes be fixed with surgery, but sadly the "failure rate" is very high.. My own surgeon has told me that my level of disability would be the same with or without surgey, and that I should avoid it if at all possible.. I have for about 10 years.. Many people are worse post surgery..
I can still walk ok, get around well, work, FISH, and I don't have cancer or heart problems, so why bitch?.. We all deal with some physical or mental issue sometime.[Mostly mental problems here on NJF,lol] You live your life and move on, just deal with it, and keep a good positive outlook.
When it keeps one from fishing , THEN you can bitch about it..
PS,,Watch out pulling anchors, slippery decks, heavy coolers etc.. You never know, and if your back really goes bad far from shore in heavy slop, you are in a world of hurt... bob
shrimpman steve
09-22-2014, 09:28 PM
Depends on the surgery. I had a laminnectomy 15 years ago to clean up l4 andl5. Best thing I ever did. On the other hand I would stay away from fusion.
Wishing you the best of luck going forward. Hopefully you will find a treatment plan that will relieve your pain
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