View Full Version : FISHERMEN/ Last week of Fluke Fishing...Update.

09-21-2014, 04:48 PM
Hard to beleave how fast this Fluke season has gone!
What started out looking like it was going to be a dissmal year (the first month and a half) turned out to actually be very productive the past 2 months.

Quality was the key word this season once things got going, as it had to be Quality to be a keeper!
I don't remember a season were we had so many fish from 5 to 10 pounds and limits to go along with it. Our Big Pool Leader is 9.4 pounds. We had 3 fish this season that were over 10 pounds, but not in our seasonal pool.

The sad part is you can bet your ass we will get screwed again come next season on the Fluke. The powers that be are already looking at one Striped bass at 32 inches to start us off! This on top of the fact that come the Spring you really can't catch anything else other than Striped Bass...flounders, Tog, Weakfish and so on...Not that you can't catch them, but who really is going to fish for One or two fish? For those in this business and have done it all our lives, why has it come to this? Sorry, I'll save this rant for another day....

For the last week we are Chartered TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY Morning...
The day trips will be closed until some Stripers start to show, hopefully by the third week of October. Till then, Capt. Dan will be fishing Monday-Saturday nights fishing for Bass as it seems he can produce some local fish on those trips. Eels and worms are the ticket on the night trips.
For more info on those trips you can contact Capt. Dan at 908-930-2335. Give him a call before you come down.

Thanks to all my Great customers and friends who have hung in there and supported us over the years, you guys are the best!! Looking foward to a good Fall run of Bass.....Capt. Ron

09-22-2014, 04:48 PM
Not really a "RANT". But a fact. Sad... Maybe more bottom fishing for sea bass,ling and tog during the quiet time. Not sure they are around..

09-23-2014, 08:51 AM
Capt Ron, are you fluking tomorrow (Wednesday). Just trying to plan my day off. Jeff,Sr.

09-23-2014, 04:05 PM
Capt Ron, are you fluking tomorrow (Wednesday). Just trying to plan my day off. Jeff,Sr.

Yes Jeff, we are fishing tomorrow. Look's like crap conditions after the change of tide but you know me, we will give it hell!