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View Full Version : NMFS developing new fish stock assessment tool

09-21-2014, 10:05 AM
The Government Accountability Office reports that the National Marine Fisheries Service lacks a standard procedure for determining fish stock assessment needs. But NMFS is developing a protocol to help. View a summary at http://www.examiner.com/article/nmfs-developing-new-protocol-for-assessing-fish-stocks?cid=db_articles

09-21-2014, 04:15 PM
The Government Accountability Office reports that the National Marine Fisheries Service lacks a standard procedure for determining fish stock assessment needs. But NMFS is developing a protocol to help. View a summary at http://www.examiner.com/article/nmfs-developing-new-protocol-for-assessing-fish-stocks?cid=db_articles

Then we should not have been getting stuck in the Ass all these years with BS assessments, size limits and quota's! Striped Bass are next.:mad:

09-21-2014, 07:29 PM
They couldnt tell them how much was spent on assessments ? And the GAO had no recomendations? Why bother if there's no accountability?

shrimpman steve
09-21-2014, 07:43 PM
Accountability in government. Now that's a joke!

Capt. Lou
09-22-2014, 08:14 AM
Those individuals they run this agency with the exception of dam few need to go!
Maybe we R consentrsting our efforts in surviving their idiotic rules, while we should be calling for their jobs on the basis of incompetence thru a hard fought lobbying effort through r reps & senators !
I know some effort has been channeled to this end but apparently not nearly enough !
Otherwise all were ever gonna due is complain about their regressing efforts on r BEHALF as angling groups. !!
Putting personnel in place that r understanding of our cause could prevent this agency from destroying our fisheries !
Ya I vote , write letters , make the calls to officials & marched twice.
If we do not get strong lobbyists like the NRA we r merely spinning r whells & we will contuine losing ground !
Hell most anglers on PB's & charters I go on do not have a clue on fisheries issues & most cont care ! Therein lies the problem !:mad: