View Full Version : Golden Eagle - Friday Bluefish Report

09-19-2014, 06:24 PM
It was a little "bumpy" out there today with a 20 knot northeast breeze, but we picked away at the BLUES - sometimes 4 or 5 on at a time sometimes 1 on and sometimes we had a lull.

We saw BLUES splashing and swimming through the slick all day.

The fish ranged in size from 4lbs to 18lbs and we caught them on bait & jigs.

The GOLDEN EAGLE sails everyday for BIG BLUES & STRIPERS at 7:30am from Belmar Marina in Belmar, NJ.
Night BLUEFISHING on Friday & Saturday nights departing at 7:30pm.

For more information visit us at www.goldeneaglefishing.com (http://www.goldeneaglefishing.com) or call 732-681-6144.

See you on board