View Full Version : Captain Cal Thursday

Captain Cal II
09-18-2014, 05:23 PM
The day started out to be a warm summer like day, nice ocean, great .5 kt. drift and a decent crowd aboard, every thing was in place for a good day of fluke fishing. Too, bad the fluke did not think so, they were not cooperating today, it was a slow day of fishing, even the active short flatties took a rest today. We did catch keepers, some had 3-4 others had 1-2 and some went home empty, no jumbo fluke today.. We moved around to different locations we fished in 38-52 ft. later we moved to fish in 55-72 feet of water . Towards the end of the day the fishing action picked up, and we gave the group an extra hour of fishing time. and that saved the day. What we did not catch today, we catch tomorrow.... Join us in the morning we leave at 7:30 am