View Full Version : Mad gaffer 9/14 fluke report

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
09-14-2014, 03:39 PM
Today we hosted an open boat fluke trip. We caught a lot of keepers with plenty more short action. Captain Sylvia Irwin had the big fluke just over 9 lbs Abe barren had one just a little smaller we also made a couple blackfish drops and had tog up to 6 lbs. we will be sailing open all week call captain ray for details and reservations 7328036276

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
09-14-2014, 03:41 PM
http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e223/locohakr/2D7DEF42-6915-4857-B61F-176286E453DF_zpsxrfr47xl.jpg (http://s40.photobucket.com/user/locohakr/media/2D7DEF42-6915-4857-B61F-176286E453DF_zpsxrfr47xl.jpg.html)
http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e223/locohakr/0304CCAA-12FA-4451-92AD-3AAF0625F4D4_zps8e01xbos.jpg (http://s40.photobucket.com/user/locohakr/media/0304CCAA-12FA-4451-92AD-3AAF0625F4D4_zps8e01xbos.jpg.html)