09-13-2014, 06:28 PM
Looking to seine some spearing tomorrow to try for false albacore and bonita Monday. Want to stock the freezer with some albacore for fall mako fishing the next few weeks. Any idea where it would be good to seine for spearing. Years ago I used to get them good at the first cove at Sandy Hook on the bay side as well as on the northeastern side of the oceanic bridge. Any suggested spots would be appreciated. Looking to fill a 5 gallon bucket for chum and bait.
Looking to seine some spearing tomorrow to try for false albacore and bonita Monday. Want to stock the freezer with some albacore for fall mako fishing the next few weeks. Any idea where it would be good to seine for spearing. Years ago I used to get them good at the first cove at Sandy Hook on the bay side as well as on the northeastern side of the oceanic bridge. Any suggested spots would be appreciated. Looking to fill a 5 gallon bucket for chum and bait.