Ocean Explorer
09-11-2014, 03:15 PM
Weather man said rain all day today and it was sunny and warm...Was not supposed to be windy and it blew 20-25 mph all day long and was rough...Just cant believe him...Any way we had to fast of conditions to drift..We had to jump around and anchor up on some spots to get into any keepers..The fish were on structure and drifting you were just out of them to quick to catch em...So we made some drops and picked at some quality fish,,some shorts to and threw back some beautiful sea bass...Skip was high hook with four nice keeper fluke,,a few other guys had two each,,,few one..Small crowd today but the guys jigging had the keepers....Check out some pics,,,remember to scroll down here on the new website to get the latest reports...See ya tomorrow for coffee!! pics from today below..