View Full Version : Rigged Ballyhoo and Rigged Squid

09-10-2014, 07:54 AM
I know the East wind the last couple of days has kept most of the boats tied up at the dock, however this wind has been pushing warm blue water in closer and I would not be surprised to see more Mahi-Mahi and tuna within range of some of the smaller boats. One of our customers, Jamie, who keeps his 22 foot boat at a local marina, was shark fishing in the vicinity of the BA buoy area, where he hooked into and landed a billfish. Much to his surprise, the fish hit a live bunker on a shark rig with wire line...go figure...Pete Morales, Bill Horn, and Gary , hit the pots for some Mahi , and were rewarded with 3 nice fish. The wind will lay down and now is the time to think about getting out to do some inshore trolling. For those heading offshore , we have Butterfish, Sardines, Rigged and un-rigged Ballyhoo, Rigged and un-rigged Squid, and a great assortment of offshore lures and Shutes, and Blue Water Candy lures, Daisy Chains, and Spreader Bars......Call ahead for your bait needs 732-787-2248 ...arrangements can be made for delivery to local marinas....Pete