View Full Version : jenny lee 9/3/14 18 tuna

jenny lee sportfishing
09-07-2014, 01:22 PM
Sunday, September 7. 2014

leroy and eli kaufman/ with two samuels, and ike 9/3/14 (http://www.jennyleesportfishing.com/blog/index.php?/archives/222-leroy-and-eli-kaufman-with-two-samuels,-and-ike-9314.html)

http://www.jennyleesportfishing.com/blog/uploads/amish.jpgcapts kevin gerrity and dave bender took leroy and eli kaufman/ with two samuels, and ike from christiana ,pa offshore sept 3rd. leroy contacted me months ago and called many times asking many questions, he finnally booked the trip and i told him i would probably ask him as many about his culture.. the boys are amish and it was a great trip. we had action immediately with a 50 pound yellowfin and then we trolled longfins till dark. we got the bite we were looking for and leroy fought a 170 pound bigeye for about forty minutes when the hook pulled 50' from the boat. we then chunked several yellowfins ant night and in the morning we trolled a few more fish including the largest longfin we have ever caught looked to be close to 70 pounds. the kids had a great time as did kevin and i.

Posted by jenny_lee (http://www.jennyleesportfishing.com/blog/index.php?/authors/1-jenny_lee) at 09: (http://www.jennyleesportfishing.com/blog/index.php?/archives/222-leroy-and-eli-kaufman-with-two-samuels,-and-ike-9314.html)

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Joey Dah Fish
09-07-2014, 09:05 PM
Way to go !!!! Congrats on another great trip!!

shrimpman steve
09-07-2014, 09:33 PM
Did they bring shoe fly pie! :D

jenny lee sportfishing
09-08-2014, 12:10 PM
yes they did steve..

but also ate all of our food, and drinks

shrimpman steve
09-08-2014, 12:15 PM
Beleive it or not my father befriended an Amish family in Lancaster 20 years ago. We have been in their home and on their farm. Very friendly and down to earth people. Talk about back to basics.

Tenacious Sportfishing
09-08-2014, 03:06 PM
That's one helluva trip for first time young fishermen baby bear. You tired them out and that's why they ate your food. Looking at the pictures reminds me of a trip booked by two young jewish teenagers a few years ago. They actually did strength training before the trip and made short work of 6 yellowfins and a wahoo. They ate nothing but peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, day and night.