View Full Version : Hot day / Hotter Fishing on Golden Touch

09-04-2014, 06:39 PM
Chartered Capt John Cole again today on the Golden Touch and as usual he and Mate Rich did an outstanding job. Broke MI to a "stiff" 2 knot NW and headed South east (nice for a change) to some secret and some not so secret spots. Crew of myself, brother Joe, Richie Tropics and Glenn Fin reaper on board.
With no breeze it was HOT out there but in no time fish were coming over the rail. Richie Tropics had the "Golden Touch" today bailing fluke up to 8 lbs and putting 9 in the box, Glenn added 6 and was also on fire. Joe and I switched to seabass early and accounted for most but still boxed almost (1 shy) Fluke limits. Mate Rich and Cappy added to the box as well as we ALL had a great day.

Total for the day was 26 nice keeper Flukes and 21 equally nice seabass plus some bluefish and Capt counted 84 short fluke released.

Bucktails were the ticket for the fluke and casting out sure helped as we even nailed a bunch while at anchor.

Great catching, better crew and as always fantastic service on the GT,

09-04-2014, 07:06 PM
Dave thanks for the invite, it was super hot and fishing was great. Thanks again Capt. John and Richie
Group shot

shrimpman steve
09-04-2014, 08:24 PM
Nice report Dave! I guess you lost my number:D

Nice to see a report from you.

09-04-2014, 08:40 PM
NICE job guys

Topeka Boy
09-04-2014, 08:48 PM
great catch see you tomorrow.:D

Fin Reaper
09-04-2014, 08:55 PM
If you know Dales you know he can put a first class trip together, Thank you Buddy for bringing me along, it was a great day to say the least and the Captain, mate and crew never disappoint. Everyone was bailing fish like a lunatic and the laughs didn't stop all day. Sign me up for the next one!

I got spaghetti arm something fierce !

09-04-2014, 11:56 PM
Nice haul Squirrels, always a freezer-filling trip on the Golden Touch :cool:

09-05-2014, 08:21 AM
Great catching suirrels

Looks like my number is next to Steve's??? in the cell phone under "NOT"

Cant go wrong on the GT w/Capt. John and Richie
