View Full Version : Kids and headboat fluking

09-03-2014, 03:50 PM
My daughter is 2 and im really getting the itch to take her on a head boat fluking.. I know she is probally to young and have resisted the urge to take her.. how old were your kids the first time you took em fluking on a head boat? Captains and mates, what is your opinions on how old you think is old enough to bring kids aboard?

09-03-2014, 04:00 PM
My daughter is 2 and im really getting the itch to take her on a head boat fluking.. I know she is probally to young and have resisted the urge to take her.. how old were your kids the first time you took em fluking on a head boat? Captains and mates, what is your opinions on how old you think is old enough to bring kids aboard?

My youngest son was 6 when he first went. My grandson was 7 on his first trip,he was on the Dorothy B with me. I Highly Recommend that boat Capt. Kevin mate Jeremy are tops great family boat.
Be patient let her get some legs to reach over the rail.it won't be long and you'll be saying I give this women.:)

09-03-2014, 04:03 PM
take them crabbing on a pier - they will have lots more fun.

09-03-2014, 04:19 PM
My youngest is 3....I take her to a nearby pond that's infested with 4" bluegills....she loves it. I won't even consider taking her out on my boat for at least another 2 years.

09-03-2014, 04:27 PM
I took my 8 year old for the first time on a headboat this summer. My tips. Never longer then a 1/2 day boat. Try to fish from AH when they stay in the bay. If the drift is fast kids will lose interest so try to get a non windy day (and don't take the PM trip when the light south breeze starts in the afternoon).
Misty Morn does a nice magic hours trip.
Until at least 5, I would avoid the headboats. Try a rental in Shark River. Lots of short action and you can keep the trip short.
Good luck.
PS don't rush it, once they get hooked then it costs you a lot more to go.

09-03-2014, 04:47 PM
Is the dorothy B right next to the Fishermen in AH??
im taking my stepson fishing and wife fishing this friday just wanted to make sure. Thanks

bunker dunker
09-03-2014, 04:48 PM
my sons have been going with me since they could walk.they would stand on there fishing boxes to see over the rail.as long as your willing to watch them and teach them I see no problem.

09-03-2014, 05:03 PM
I started taking my daughter panfish fishing in a local pond at age 5. Did crabbing trips and opening day of trout at age 6. Then on her 7th bday did a 2-3 hr PM trip on the Fish Monger. Gotta keep them interested. Good luck and don't rush it. Gotta make the 1st few experiences positive ones!

09-03-2014, 05:09 PM
I took mine at 5yo and that's the youngest I would consider. No more than a 1/2 day and I like the idea of the bay. As others have said, for the majority of young ones they'd be just as happy to play with a crab net or catching bluegills.

My guy hung in there pretty well but you have to be OK with them giving up the rod and playing with the bait or looking at other people's fish.

09-03-2014, 05:13 PM
Is the dorothy B right next to the Fishermen in AH??
im taking my stepson fishing and wife fishing this friday just wanted to make sure. Thanks

Right next to the Angler Dorothy B is a half day boat.

09-03-2014, 05:19 PM
Thanks Tropics wasnt really sure about it

09-03-2014, 05:44 PM
My friend, my wife, and I took my daughter,2, and his son, 3, out this past Saturday on my boat. We went crabbing near the oceanic bridge. It was both kid's first trip out. They weren't bad and enjoyed it but I wouldn't have tried a party boat yet. It would be too hard to keep them interested for even a half day trip.
I picked up a cheap Barbie fishing pole for her. I'm trying to teach her to use it but she's more interested in chasing the lure than using the rod.

shrimpman steve
09-03-2014, 09:53 PM
I think two is a little young myself. Just my opinion. Too much to go wrong. Pond fishing or crabbing are a great alternative

09-03-2014, 10:24 PM
I think two is a little young myself. Just my opinion. Too much to go wrong. Pond fishing or crabbing are a great alternative

Agreed, I have brought my girls up on boats since birth between trips in Florida and here in NJ. Need to make sure they are enjoying it vs. just you wanting it.

09-03-2014, 11:01 PM
the problem is her being able to see over the rail. i was 5 when my dad took me on bluefish boats and i had to stand on a milk crate to see over. i dont reccomend that tough, it never made the capt happy hahaha.

09-04-2014, 12:35 AM
I pushed my sons too hard taking them fishing with me every time I went. Now my one son is burnt out and refuses to go anymore since he was in his late teens. Backfired. My other son became a trout fisherman.

I would highly recommend just keeping the little ones at a lake or pond fishing for bluegills with a bobber until they are around six or seven.

And the previous post are correct. The Dorothy B has become my favorite half day boat. I fish with him when I don't want to start my own boat up.

09-04-2014, 12:19 PM
I am going to definatly start her on the bluegil and some trout outings next year.. I was just thinking that maybe next year she may enjoy a 1/2 day headboat ride.. When I do decide to take her I have absolutly no plans to fish for myself.. I just hope to keep her busy with some action.. I will play it by ear and decide next year.. Hopefully I can take her to the Navy pier next year even if its for a couple of hours.. I want to start intoducing her to fishing so she'll have fun even it is only for an hour or 2..

bunker dunker
09-04-2014, 12:29 PM
the most important thing is to do what they want to do.my sons wanted to go with me so I took them.they now still love fishing at 25 and 23 and we still fish
together almost every weekend.:D

09-04-2014, 01:10 PM
see pics, My girls were 7 and 9, did the afternoon on the Robin!! Drift and dream girls had a blast!! Mates are second to none!! Was very affordable also. memeories are priceless. Just look at those smiles!

09-04-2014, 01:55 PM
Took my daughter on the following trips to work her way up:

WW back bays in a dinghy at 5 and 6 years old so we could crab
Floated the Shark River Inlet with a guide for a 1/2 day when she was 7
Took her on the Cock Robin blue fishing for pee-wees when she was 8..and on this we picked the perfect weather day to go out front for the first time.

Safety and stamina was a concern of mine so I worked my way up with her. I remember my dad took me out a few times when I was 7 and I got sick both times. I didn't start fishing again until I was in my mid-20's. No need to rush it as it could have the opposite effect of what you were intending. You would be surprised the gratification you get when you watch your kid pull in some pan fish, and not get hurt in the process!

You can even try those big pontoon boats for fluking in Brig/AC...there is one more I think its in OC area but could be wrong. No waves, 4 hour trips, and usually good action.

09-04-2014, 03:08 PM
seen it too many times kids on a head boat with their parent, the kids are sleeping of running around or just plain board.you need to wait till they are a lot older and do it from land when and where you KNOW they will catch something like fishing for snappers from a pier or like steve said pond or crabbing, and only for a short time then go and gets some ice cream , what I am trying to say is you have to make it interesting for them, some kids will eat it up.

as kids 8-9 yo my cousin taught me patience we used to sit on the dock at SHB Bklyn with a bamboo pole a length of leader and treble hook and a can of cat food chum the water and snag snappers and mackeral all morning

If they dont catch anything immediately they are bored forever, in many kids patience has to be learned

I cant wait , Soon me and my buddy are gonna take his grandson to the PP for tog we got a plan to teach him patience and wait for the bite, and what it feels like, he is eager to learn so the learning curve will not be bad, i think he is gonna make an awesome toger, hell stay at the raill all day he will fall asleep there.His grandfather (my buddy) cant get out of the house alone to go fishing without the kid wailing he wants to go.

09-04-2014, 03:35 PM
I am like cuz my son was born in jan and was on the boat in June could not even walk. He was on the boat with us every weekend till high school sold my boat and will not go on a head boat he is spoiled now all he wants to do is work and make money.enjoy them while they are young just do not over do it they grow up to fast

09-04-2014, 06:02 PM
Too early for someone 2 years old - you memory doesn't start untill about 5 years old. When the kids get around that age take them to a pay as you go place and you can judge for their.......