Captain Hal Sea Tiger
09-02-2014, 06:43 AM
As predicted, many of you did not show up listening to the weatherman who was totally wrong since we never got a drop of rain or sound of thunder. A great morning with lots of big fish. Just on one drift John-Kyu Park nailed a 4 1/2 lber, Johnathan Harmon 5 lber, Lorraine Velez (with a rod rental) a 7 lber, and Jarrod a 7 1/2 lber that held up for the pool until near the end of the trip. Danny Wong then blew him away with a 9 lb 12 oz lunker. Quite a few nice keepers and good short action in the morning but then the old southerly winds kicked up in the afternoon but not as bad as other days. We did pick away at shorts but not as many keepers as the morning with Dee ending up as high hook of 3 keepers and the pool winner was only about 4 lbs. Hot one today but hope to see you down here. Pics will be posted later.