View Full Version : Russian Roulette overnighter 8/30-8/31

08-31-2014, 06:09 PM
Headed out with Captain Dennis and mate Scott on an overnighter with my pops, our longtime hunting and fishing buddy Dan, and fisherman Chris and Rich. Left at 10:30 sat and steamed 4hrs on the 34' fritz, lines in on the troll. Gave that a shot for a little while, no good. Set up on the chunk in the daylight surrounded by hundreds of whales, a jumping ray, and many other boats. Took a little bit then zzzzzzz fish on. Dan was first up and 10-15 min later a fat yellowfin in the 60lb class hit the deck. I was next and about 45 min later fish on, another nice yft same size. Just as it was getting dark we got crusheddddddd by what must have been an eyeball, as after an hour on 40lb leader the line finally parted. Back on the chunk for the rest of the night was a consisten pick n solid fish on each drift. After a final flurry with a double followed by a single on the only rod out we finished the trip going 10-14 on 60-80# class fish with one bigeye mixed in the same size and the rest YFT. Awesome trip, one that will be remembered for years and felt in my back and arms for days haha. Big thanks to Captain Dennis and mate Scott who was on it the entire time. These guys are serious fisherman!! Time for some rest and advil. I have a couple pics but im on my phone and cant post them. Tight lines


08-31-2014, 10:31 PM
Glad you were able to share that trip with your bad. 10-14 is pretty good ratio so congrats on a great trip.

09-01-2014, 08:36 AM
Congratulations on a great trip. You fished with an excellent captain and mate. Want to take another cod trip with them soon.

09-01-2014, 02:21 PM
Wow that's a great trip drew! Awesome! I gota get out there!!