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View Full Version : Chicken Canyon Wahoooooooo!

08-27-2014, 12:06 PM
Saw we had a nice weather window and decided to make the run to the Chicken Canyon. Blew a tire on the trailer on the way down so got a bit of a late start. My buddies Ken And Tommy T were along for the adventure. Took two hours to get out there and when we arrived there were a few boats but not crowded. Set the lines in and started trolling the edges. Typical spread of birds, jets and Ballyhoo. Kept changing lures about every half hour or so and the effort paid off. Got out toward the eastern end and saw some bait being pushed around and some seriously large swirls. Trolled over to the edge of the action and bang we were on. Tommy cleared the lines and Ken worked the boat to perfection. Ten minutes later we were very surprised to see a large Wahoo under the boat. Tommy hit him with a perfect gaff shot to the head and into the cooler he went. The fish hit a yellow/orange jet with a Ballyhoo which was behind a yellow orange bird. Fish was 60 inches long and very fat. It pegged a fifty pound spring scale with ease. We estimated it somewhere around 70 to 80 pounds. Fish had what looked like a small tuna in it's gut. It also had some sort of slug or snail like critter in there too. Nice break in run for the new motor and on the way in had a large school of dolphins riding the bow wake. As soon as I can get the video off the phone I will post that too.

08-27-2014, 12:09 PM
Almost forgot, I am really tired, a special thanks to Gerry for your advice before the trip it all helped!

08-27-2014, 06:05 PM
Good report

tom tnt
08-27-2014, 08:11 PM
Nice catch looked like the nice water moved out

08-27-2014, 08:34 PM
We were one of the few boats out there with u today, but saw very little life. Congrats with the wahooooooo! So cool!

Gerry Zagorski
08-28-2014, 09:16 AM
Way to break in the new motor and congrats on the wahoo..