08-26-2014, 07:13 PM
Arrived at the boat at 6:45 not expecting to see the large crowd, but here we were and nothing was going to stop us.

Headed to the scene of the crime and the reports are true...Extra LARGE BLUES.
Started off with a jig and daughter started with bait. Early bait was very productive and I switched over as well. We landed ~ 3 on bait and lost as many. Then another boat shows up casting jigs and catching:cool:
I switch to a jig and fish after fish. Daughter does the same and is hooked up with fish after fish. Jig out fishing bait in the afternoon.
At one point 1/2 the boat watches as I reel in my jig and a school of ~ 10 very LARGE blues are fighting for the rights to be caught boat-side.:cool:

Sun was hot and we were fishing in the sun and I noticed there was space on the other side with SHADE! Moved. While talking with the guys (father and son of perhaps 9-10) next to me I was told that they had not caught anything yet. Within a few minutes I am hooked up and give the rod to the boy who successfully reels in one of his first blues ever:)
I hooked another and gave it to the father but the fish came unbuttoned.

We managed ~10-12 fish between us and have sore arms.

MATES FIRST RATE AS ALWAYS, even managing to lip hook a few for release. A lot of regulars on board today that I have had the pleasure to fish with before including Cloudflyer, Don H., and Dave L.

shrimpman steve
08-26-2014, 08:12 PM
I love a report from the robin. No question my favorite bluefish boat! Now that the large models are in it's time to get down there!

Very nice report team SC!

08-26-2014, 09:14 PM
Interesting what you say about the jig bite. My son and & I were on the stern and not one fish was caught on jigs-strictly a bait bite. When we heard fish were being caught on jigs on a consistent basis-both my son and I switched. 30 minutes and nothing for us nor any others using jigs.

08-26-2014, 09:40 PM
cast n reel in cast n reel in. over and over...Jig was the ticket for us today. Hey, I just call it like it happened for us. Jigs caught the fish for us!

08-26-2014, 09:44 PM
Of course it was crowded, you were the only boat fishing for big blues out of PP. :)

It was an odd day conditions wise. I was on the GE hammering away on bait, 12 fish + 3 kid hand offs. Couldn't buy one on a jig though. Buddy on MBP couldn't miss on jigs. Zero albies was a huge disappointment. Saw a few flash by early on and that was it.

08-26-2014, 09:48 PM
Great report and love the hand off! Something that kid will be taking about for a long time! Fish Gods will reward you.

08-26-2014, 09:58 PM
O. Saw a few flash by early on and that was it.

08-27-2014, 07:02 AM
My son handed off one and I handed off 2.

My son did throw a Tsunami split tail on a light spinning outfit and was hooked up briefly to what we assumed was an albie. Otherwise no additional hits on that or the aforementioned jigs.

What style jigs were you catching them on ? We threw Green tailed A47's, plain A 47's, a hammered gold A 47 and a gold Crocodile spoon.

Yes very odd day condition wise as we could have used some wind and/or more current.

Thinking about hitting the Robin again on Friday.

08-27-2014, 04:28 PM
Can any of you figure why the blues were finicky with whether eating the bait or jig? Direction of current and chum around sections of boat? No slick= good jig fishing.....? Slick=good bait fishing...?

I enjoyed your report! I would like to head out for the big Demons soon!