View Full Version : Reel Class - Last Few Days (Late!)

Reel Class
08-26-2014, 07:29 AM
Thursday: We had Ray L and crew on for a half day trip. Split the trip targeting bones then fluke. Bonito bite was NG just had frigate macks again. Fluking on the other hand was OK as we wound up with 6 fish in the box to 7# in a couple hours.

Saturday: BLOWOUT

Monday: Rich Comly n crew on for fluke and bones. Big swell but had some life early, decided to move to a different area (bad idea!) and lost the bite. Tried for bones up to the north but found ZERO in dirty water. Ran back to where we were catching the fluke last week and had a few bites when we still had a drift. By 1 everything shut off. Only 5 fish in the box all day long to 4# :(