View Full Version : Paramount Monday Marathon

08-25-2014, 07:33 PM
Nothing going for dock fishing this morning. Went out with a light crowd and had some nice sea bass fishing, some smalls, a good number of keepers and some nice 2 1/2- 3 1/2lb fish, along with some cocktail blues. Left that are and went deeper. Fishing was a little tougher out here because a big swell and non-existant wind meant we kept swinging off the wrecks. Mixed sized ling and some nice flounder were caught deeper.

Pool was a 5lb cod. I wound up pretty good with 2 flounder, 1 19 in fluke, 11 sea bass (ORL) and 12 ling. Had a lot of relative novices today so the catches weren't what they should have been but spoke with several who had around a dozen mixed fish. lots of little blues at the surface and even saw a flying fish pretty close to the beach.

08-25-2014, 08:13 PM
love them flounder, nice job

Blackfish Doug
08-25-2014, 08:21 PM
I wish I didn't have to work today otherwise I would have been there. Let's see what tomorrow has in store for me. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be you should have been here tomorrow:D

08-25-2014, 08:27 PM
Where are you off too tomorrow?

08-26-2014, 05:57 PM
One of my flounder was only about 13.5 in. I must have measured it 3 times because I was sure it was short.