View Full Version : Tile fish

08-18-2014, 12:24 PM
I was able to get out for my second Tile fish trip recently. The first trip was a bit slow but this trip more than made up for it. We fished hard all day at the rail. Although uneventful we even trolled in between drops. We boxed some nice Goldens, Blueline, and Rosefish. My buddy won the edible pool with a nice Snowy Grouper. We fished with 2lbs of lead for most of the day. We did have to go up to 4lbs at one point but were able to drop back down to 2lbs in the afternoon. The weather was great and it made for an easy ride to and from the fishing grounds. My biggest was a 20-25 pound Golden.

08-18-2014, 01:06 PM
Nice! Thanks for the report.

shrimpman steve
08-18-2014, 01:09 PM
Very nice mark!

08-18-2014, 03:33 PM
Sweet trip pal!

08-18-2014, 06:03 PM
Nice trip Mark. Didn't see the little guy:confused: Next year?

08-19-2014, 10:26 AM
Nice trip Mark. Didn't see the little guy:confused: Next year?

Would love to have him out there, but I think he needs a few mid range trips under his belt first. And it would be very expensive as I would have to bribe my wife to let him go first. :eek:

08-19-2014, 11:53 AM
That looks like a good day's fishing to me!

Gerry Zagorski
08-19-2014, 12:44 PM
Nice trip Mark!!

08-20-2014, 12:10 PM
Nice tilefish !!!