View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Good Day, Big Fish!!

08-15-2014, 05:54 PM
Had the pleasure of Gary Perino and crew from Columbia bank out with us today....Took till the end of the day searching until the change of tide but the bite turned on!! Plenty of Big Fluke for the crew including a 7.4 pound pool fish. Couple in the six range, some fives and fours. Nice action while it lasted.

Tough conditions in the AM once again with the wind against the tide. The harder the current ran, the harder the wind blew, taking away any hope of a drift! The crew toughed it out and ended the day on a high note!

CHARTERED SATURDAY AM and PM trips.....Open boat all next week from Sunday on.

Capt. Ron

Fun King
08-16-2014, 12:49 PM
I was fishing by you in the morning. Bunch of little blues and one keeper fluke, but man, there were sturgeons jumping everywhere! Some 4' plus fish!