Prowler 5
08-14-2014, 09:40 PM
Hey folks, well the conditions were definitely not in our favor today. We had wind against tide all morning with no drift. All the freshwater runoff didnt help either. When we did get a drift with the change of tide we started catching a few fish although not many keepers today alot of shorts. Todays pool winner was Gene Bronson from Andover, NJ with a nice 3lb. Fluke. Tuesday's pool winner was Brian Nakielny from Sayreville, NJ. Sunday's day trip was a winner - we started the today in the area we fished Sat. night and we had no drift due to slack tide. We waited out the slack and got a drift and picked away at a few keepers and shorts. Capt. Scott then made a move to a different area and boy was it a good move we started banging away at a mix of shorts and nice keepers with some big fish in the mix too. Sunday's pool winner was Steve Lee from Little Ferry, NJ with a nice 7.5lb flatty. Mike Martin from Newburgh, NY was our runner up with a 6.11lb flatty. The weather looks good for the next few days so come on down. Here are pictures from the last few trips.