View Full Version : An Apology

08-14-2014, 04:50 AM
About 2 days ago, I replied to a posting (The Whiting are Biting) by Fishark 531. I guess I was a little too critical of the catch when I saw the huge pile of whiting in the boat.

Fishark531 responded by saying that most of these fish were donated to a local food bank. If that’s so, then I have no problem with the amount of Whiting kept. I apologize to Fishark531 for suggesting he may have kept too many of a species which is still not recovered in the NY/NJ area.

However, the pile of fish just struck a nerve with me. I am 72 years old, and have been hunting, fishing, crabbing, clamming, etc. in NJ all my life. I’m not a member of PETA, nor am I a tree hugger, nor a member of any radical environmental group. However that picture reminded me of many things I have seen over the years. I have no problem with sportsman utilizing natural resources as long as they use common sense and are not wasteful. Some things that were brought to mind by Fishark’s posting:

• My first remembrance was while I was still in grammar school. One day while snapper fishing I saw a couple of guys seine netting spearing for snapper bait on the little beach at the end of Fair Haven Road on the Navesink River. Those guys literally packed a 5 gallon bucket full of spearing with no water. A few hours later I again saw them snapper fishing off the bulkhead in Red Bank. They had the bucket of spearing sitting out cooking in the hot sun, and were complaining about how soft and mushy they were. I’m sure they didn’t use more than about a pint of the spearing and the rest probably went over the side at the end of the day. How stupid. What a waste!

• When fishing off the Long Branch Fishing pier in the 1950’s My Dad and I would arrive about 4:00 AM to find huge piles of Skates which had been caught during the night, and left to die on the pier. During the day, similar piles of Sea Robins were created and left to die. In both cases, the fisherman’s attitude was that these were ugly, undesirable, non-edible, worthless fish. However, I can tell you that both of them (particularly Sea Robins) are very good eating. Skates are a sought-after delicacy in many European countries. It made no sense to me as a kid to kill the fish if they were just ugly or unwanted. Why not throw them back? Again, What a waste!

• Many times while fishing for Blackfish (nobody called them Tog, back then) off the jetties in Tackanassee we also caught nice-sized Bergalls (Cunners). Bergalls and blackfish are both members of the Wrasse family of fishes. Bergalls are every bit as good tasting as the blackfish. We always kept them. However, most other fisherman considered them useless bait stealers, and just pitched them into the rocks to die. Another wasteful attitude!

• During the days of massive big bluefish catches, the party boats would come into the Shark River docks overflowing with highly-successful fisherman. At that time there were fish-cleaning tables right there at the boat docks, where the guys could clean their fish and leave all the mess and stink behind. However, many, many times I watched them clean a few fish and get tired. Then they would leave huge piles of blues on the dock to rot and be picked up by garbage men the next day. Does this sound reasonable to you? Why take them if you can’t use them? I’ve been on many of these blue fishing trips and always practiced Catch/Release for some of my blues while suffering the whimsical stares and rough comments from those around me.

• Last of all, and one remembrance that gripes me a lot is back in the mid 1970’s. At that time there were fantastic Spring runs of tide-runner Weakfish all over Delaware Bay. I’m talking 8, 10, and 12 pound Weakies. They were so prolific, that the boaters would quickly fill up their ice chests with these huge fish, and then start piling them on deck. As you know, weakfish are very soft, oily fish which spoil easily. So after a few hours of cooking, unprotected in the sun, they were worthless mush. But the fisherman were having a great day and kept piling the weakies on the deck, rather than releasing them. When they came back to the dock, almost none of these big beautiful fish came ashore. Most went over the side! Again no common sense and a terrible waste of a valuable natural resource.

If you made it to the end of this tirade, thanks for bearing with me.

08-14-2014, 05:48 AM
Agreed from begining to end.

08-14-2014, 07:34 AM
Thanks for taking the time to write that and I'm with you 100%

Reel Class
08-14-2014, 07:48 AM
Well said.

I really believe people are more aware of the resources at hand today as opposed to 20 + years ago. People have been educated to catch and release what they don't want to take or CAN'T take as opposed to simply killing all fish.

I too remember the days of rotten bluefish floating down the Manasquan River, and tide runner weakfish carcasses floating along the same waters. People fished to kill, and what they didn't want, was left behind without a care in the world.

When of my most vivid memories of something like this was as a youngster in the very early 80's - I was flounder fishing with my dad and grandfather at the base of the route 35 bridge in point pleasant (fishing in Will's Hole where the marina now is between the bridge and the RR bridge). Flounder fishing was ridiculous back then and we fished there regularly for an hour or two and filled a half bucket lol - but there was an older gentleman that fished up where the water actually flows through under the bridge; he used to slay the flounders and kept all of them. On a tide I regularly remember seeing him fill full 5 gallon buckets of 8-15" flounder (this is LONG before any regulations were instituted on winter flounder). My grandfather asked him what he was doing with all the fish - he replied: Garden fertilizer :) whatever he didn't use, he got rid of.

The story above was a real mentality of fishermen back in those days, (although the 80's were probably where that started to change) and since it has changed significantly.

It's great to see someone catching whiting, I pray we see whiting back here in NJ in those kind of #'s again. Party boats, charter boats, even private boats could take advantage of a resource many people have forgotten or have no idea even existed.

bunker dunker
08-14-2014, 08:09 AM
my worst mem was the early 70's when we used to catch football Bluefin at the Klondike and all in inshore lumps.we would run there in a 17ft boston whaler and jig them.fishing was great.then they started showing up floating all
along the Manasquan.i can remember bob duffy writing an article about how
they were left in belaps to rot at some of the rest stops on the parkway.

08-14-2014, 08:57 AM
Apology Accepted and I totally understand where you are coming from but like I said on thread I started I respectfully disagree

If not for this "NEW" fishery that I am TRYING to help develop the local fisherman are SCREWED up here and many mates and Captains will be OUT OF BUSINESS

As of September 1st in The Gulf Of Maine


HADDOCK IS CLOSED although there is some scuttlebutt of allowing a few crumbs (small bag limit) for fisherman

The ONLY thing left is Cusk and Redfish

How many of you will spend your $$$$$$ for a Cusk and Redfish trip ?

08-14-2014, 10:39 AM
About 2 days ago, I replied to a posting (The Whiting are Biting) by Fishark 531. I guess I was a little too critical of the catch when I saw the huge pile of whiting in the boat.

Fishark531 responded by saying that most of these fish were donated to a local food bank. If that’s so, then I have no problem with the amount of Whiting kept. I apologize to Fishark531 for suggesting he may have kept too many of a species which is still not recovered in the NY/NJ area.

However, the pile of fish just struck a nerve with me. I am 72 years old, and have been hunting, fishing, crabbing, clamming, etc. in NJ all my life. I’m not a member of PETA, nor am I a tree hugger, nor a member of any radical environmental group. However that picture reminded me of many things I have seen over the years. I have no problem with sportsman utilizing natural resources as long as they use common sense and are not wasteful. Some things that were brought to mind by Fishark’s posting:

• My first remembrance was while I was still in grammar school. One day while snapper fishing I saw a couple of guys seine netting spearing for snapper bait on the little beach at the end of Fair Haven Road on the Navesink River. Those guys literally packed a 5 gallon bucket full of spearing with no water. A few hours later I again saw them snapper fishing off the bulkhead in Red Bank. They had the bucket of spearing sitting out cooking in the hot sun, and were complaining about how soft and mushy they were. I’m sure they didn’t use more than about a pint of the spearing and the rest probably went over the side at the end of the day. How stupid. What a waste!

• When fishing off the Long Branch Fishing pier in the 1950’s My Dad and I would arrive about 4:00 AM to find huge piles of Skates which had been caught during the night, and left to die on the pier. During the day, similar piles of Sea Robins were created and left to die. In both cases, the fisherman’s attitude was that these were ugly, undesirable, non-edible, worthless fish. However, I can tell you that both of them (particularly Sea Robins) are very good eating. Skates are a sought-after delicacy in many European countries. It made no sense to me as a kid to kill the fish if they were just ugly or unwanted. Why not throw them back? Again, What a waste!

• Many times while fishing for Blackfish (nobody called them Tog, back then) off the jetties in Tackanassee we also caught nice-sized Bergalls (Cunners). Bergalls and blackfish are both members of the Wrasse family of fishes. Bergalls are every bit as good tasting as the blackfish. We always kept them. However, most other fisherman considered them useless bait stealers, and just pitched them into the rocks to die. Another wasteful attitude!

• During the days of massive big bluefish catches, the party boats would come into the Shark River docks overflowing with highly-successful fisherman. At that time there were fish-cleaning tables right there at the boat docks, where the guys could clean their fish and leave all the mess and stink behind. However, many, many times I watched them clean a few fish and get tired. Then they would leave huge piles of blues on the dock to rot and be picked up by garbage men the next day. Does this sound reasonable to you? Why take them if you can’t use them? I’ve been on many of these blue fishing trips and always practiced Catch/Release for some of my blues while suffering the whimsical stares and rough comments from those around me.

• Last of all, and one remembrance that gripes me a lot is back in the mid 1970’s. At that time there were fantastic Spring runs of tide-runner Weakfish all over Delaware Bay. I’m talking 8, 10, and 12 pound Weakies. They were so prolific, that the boaters would quickly fill up their ice chests with these huge fish, and then start piling them on deck. As you know, weakfish are very soft, oily fish which spoil easily. So after a few hours of cooking, unprotected in the sun, they were worthless mush. But the fisherman were having a great day and kept piling the weakies on the deck, rather than releasing them. When they came back to the dock, almost none of these big beautiful fish came ashore. Most went over the side! Again no common sense and a terrible waste of a valuable natural resource.

If you made it to the end of this tirade, thanks for bearing with me.

Excellent post, friend. the bright side is many of the wasteful attitudes are changing. and many, not all, but many of our fisheries are strong or improving. that said, there will always be a few wasteful idiots out there. as a community when we see this we need to call them out, and let them know its not cool or funny to fish purely to kill. personally I believe we could do a bit better on release rates with large striped bass, and small mako sharks. but thats a conversation for another day...

08-14-2014, 01:53 PM
Well said. The waste has probably contributed to the lack of fish today.
There was a boat out of Princess Bay in Staten Island captained by Andy Kondracki. He would actually ask people if they had more than 10 ling and or whiting what they were going to do with that many fish.
A conservationist in the late 50s early 60s!