View Full Version : 8-13 rain rant

08-13-2014, 09:40 AM
I want to go 1/2 day fluke fishing this afternoon in the Atlantic Highlands with one of our sponsors. Although there is some rain, it's going to be light. I can't understand why fishermen don't go fishing and I know they own (expensive) rain gear....

AccuWeather says 0.10 inches of rain for this afternoon, and I know all the captains will be there and ready to go. So please pick up your gear and be at the dock for 1:30.

I know this is a very selfish rant; you can call the Waambulance for all my crying, but I don't care. I'll see the half day regulars there; Either you show or I have to go back to work!


bunker dunker
08-13-2014, 10:06 AM
"crier party of one" crier".i hear ya loud and clear.so many times the weather peeps get everyone so fired up about nothing.I am with you ,grab the slicks and lets go fishing.

08-13-2014, 10:22 AM
I skipped the am but pm looks good with west winds and sun. I'm sure someone will get out in AH but I'm heading to the J2. Can't win free fishing for a year in the Highlands.

08-13-2014, 12:22 PM
Hey frugal I just called and the j2 is a no go for this afternoon; too mucH swell.

08-13-2014, 03:22 PM
Hey frugal I just called and the j2 is a no go for this afternoon; too mucH swell.

I found out when I got down there. Guess I'll mow the lawn and go back tomorrow.

08-13-2014, 08:18 PM
Great fishing with you today Mike! It was a great day to be on the water. Too bad we didn't have many fish.

08-14-2014, 08:24 AM
Thanks for meeting me out there Kevin! It was an absolutely beautiful afternoon on the water. Although the slight swell was evident in the bay, there was some gulp/jigging action to be had for the lighter spinners.

Capt. Tom worked his but off to make the best of things, and the Atlantic Star was everywhere just to try to find a bite. Thanks for sailing with 8 fares cap!

It just goes to show: our NJ fishing boat captains are waiting to go, rain or shine, wind or waves. If you like to fish, there is no need to wait for perfection - the fish are out there, just get up and go - I know you all have the gear - support your local fishing fleet!

Thanks for listening to my rant :confused::rolleyes::D;):p:eek: