View Full Version : Fluke fishing

Captain Steve
08-12-2014, 12:22 PM
Went out fluke fishing on Saturday August 9th left the dock at 6am.Tried fishing in a few different spots, lots of short fish.while picking at the short fish we did end up with 4 keepers up to 4 pounds.Mostly we only sail on Friday nights , Saturday and Sundays buts we did get out on Monday August 11th which brought in a lot better catch.We started out fishing with 4 oz jigs and sinkers picking up fish.as the tied slowed down on us so did the bite,but just before the tied turn Mike Marchie brought in a fish of 7.2 pounds 28 inches long.With all that being said we fished a few more hours with decent fishing brought in a total of 9 keepers up to 7.2 pounds and 1 nice Sea bass caught by John Koutsoupias,