08-09-2014, 05:37 PM
Thought this would be of interest to some of the Mako fisherman. Last weekend we had a two day trip with a local private boat to fish for Giant Mako here in So-Cal. After the first day we were blown off the water due to wind so we had to head in and wait it out 24 hours. Unfortunately for me I had a meeting on Monday and could not skip out on work. The second day was better then the first as they had three mako in the slick all over 500 lbs. What you are seeing here is an attempt to fish a mako like he does the great whites. They have to change up the rig some as this mako threw the 20/0 circle hook as you can see in the video. These real big fish live almost 100 percent on a diet of seals and that is why they come out of the water like this, When they hit a seal they thrash them to pieces on the surface. The device you see rigged up across the leader is so the fish can not take the hook down deep. If anyone recognizes the guy behind the wheel that is Wayne Tucker of Fish Monger in Pt. Pleasant. He has never seen a big mako and has been dying to come out for a look. Before this video was shot Wayne was able to beat a 600 lber stand up on a Seeker rod and accurate atd 80. I have a feeling my spare bedroom will be occupied by Wayne-O quite a bit after this trip.