View Full Version : Down Deep 40' - 8/8 6am Great Open Boat Fluking

Down Deep Sportfishing
08-08-2014, 06:51 PM
Today aboard the 40' Down Deep Capt. Rob found picky fishing early in the trip. Not liking the way things were progressing, we proceeded to try a new area. It paid off and we found a real nice body of fish. Plenty of keepers and short life for everyone. At one point, we had a 24" Fluke follow the jig from the deep and hover on the surface in confusion. Andy was paying attention and quickly tossed the jig in front of the fish who then darted after, and inhale what he thought he missed. Well, he was hooked and decked. Along with many others, to 6 1/2 lbs, including Brian taking HH honors with 7 beautiful keepers *ORL*. Thanks for sailing with us, it was great meeting everyone.

We are booked tomorrow, but don't miss out, we have a few spots open on Sunday. BOOK NOW !

Down Deep Sportfishing
08-08-2014, 06:53 PM
A few more happy anglers....