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View Full Version : Big blues at night - big Jamaica

08-08-2014, 03:27 PM
Night fishing was very good last night for bluefish up to 15lbs.
We were chumming and caught plenty of big blues on bait.
The Jamaica will sail at 730pm Friday and Saturday.
If the fishing holds up over the weekend will will have a night trip Sunday night also.

Fishing was excellent today. We caught blues, Bonito, and mackerel. The fish were caught on bait and jigs.
Todays pool winner was:
Pete Douwes from Quakertown PA with a 6.5LB Bonito.
The Jamaica is sailing everyday at 7:30AM.
Afternoon trips sail 4:30-8:30 Sunday through Wednesday.

For further information call 732 528 5014.
Photos at our Facebook page.