View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Pick early then a late bite today, Thursday.

07-31-2014, 06:02 PM
Slow drift once again in the AM, even with the buck-tail fishermen we didn't produce like I wanted. Tried the channel and found not much life just a couple fish. Went back to the shallow water and worked some rough bottom. Picked away on the shorts with a few keepers waiting for that change of tide.

Got the outgoing and the bigger fish started to bite, glad we had some patience today!! Stayed late giving the guys a shot at some nicer fish.

Anchor Joe waited till the end of the day to change his spot and land the pool fish at 6.4 pounds!
Tom and Gerry Krako combined for 5 nice fish, one at 5 1/2 another at 4 pounds. Billy fishing in the bow had 4 and Jim landed 3 beauties. Kelly also had 2 very nice fish fishing in the bow with his son Tim.
Capt. Ron Sr. had another limit "Old School style" working the bait.

Back at it tomorrow....:)
Capt. Ron

07-31-2014, 07:13 PM
nice going joe. :):):)

07-31-2014, 08:12 PM
Nice report capt,good job on the pool fish JOE;)

anchor joe
07-31-2014, 09:57 PM
Another rewarding day with being put on the meat for the overtime bite. Had the cat brothers Tom & Gerry, Kelly with son in tow, Doc and Senior putting on a clinic. Felt like it was Monday with the regulars, thanks again cpt. Ron. Not to forget Lou with the chocolate lucky charm that he carries all the time. Mikey great job at hooking and unhooking the gaft and net.:):):):):):):):):)