View Full Version : My Mom

07-27-2014, 08:53 PM
A few weeks ago someone had a thread on how you got into fishing. I said my Mom would take me to Fisherman's Headquarters when I was a kid for bunker and squid. That was over 40 years ago. We would go to Long Beach Island every year for the family vacation. I would go crabbing every day and I would catch short fluke and oyster crackers from the bulkhead where we rented. We had crabs every night. My Mom would take me to Morrison's and I would fish with the baymen. Those were our summer vacations on Long Beach Island.

I haven't fished in over two years. I was taking care of my Mom. I did everything for her. Doctor visits, hospitals, feeding and everyhing else. All we had were eachother. My Mom had Parkinson's, Skin Cancer and finally Merckel Cell Cancer. She passed away on last Sunday, July 20 at 130pm.

I'm very heartbroken and I miss her so much. Once I bought a camera I would have pictures taken of me with the nice fish I caught and give them to my Mom.

I used to post on here under a discontined name. I was HBKFishing.

I did not pay attention to the site for a while. Did not know MSGold passed on.

I had to use a lot of family leave time to care for her. So, I did not make a lot of money. However, I wish I was still caring for my Mom. I'd give anything for that. So, I need to work for a while and make some money.

I will begin again in October for the Long Beach Island Surf Tournament. I am on vacation then. Plus I will go on the boat that got me started 40 years ago. The CAIII in Barnegat Light, NJ. And once again all my bait and stuff will be from the legendary Fisherman's Headquarters. Just like it was when my Mom and me would go when I was a kid.

Going back to my roots.

Thank you for reading.

07-27-2014, 08:58 PM
Sorry for your loss.
Keep her alive in your heart and she will always be close

07-27-2014, 08:58 PM
So sorry for your loss, embrace your memories and continue on

My dad gone since 1989, still miss fishing with him but I use what he taught me

Joey Dah Fish
07-27-2014, 09:09 PM
Sounds to me like God blessed you both with each other. Very sorry for your loss

07-27-2014, 09:43 PM
I feel your loss, and my deepest condolences, if you're ever looking to get
Out just give me a call... 732-585-7118 - out of shark river. Only a 20' er but it's what I have now...

shrimpman steve
07-27-2014, 09:49 PM
Very sorry for your loss

07-27-2014, 09:52 PM
I'm sorry for your loss

07-27-2014, 11:30 PM
My condolences...

Tuna Tales
07-27-2014, 11:39 PM
Was just thinking tonight how fast time goes by and to live each day as best as you can...

Very sorry for your loss

Joe T

NJ Dave
07-28-2014, 12:09 AM
I feel your pain. Its all about the memories. Time helps but it does not make any better.
Sometimes something like hearing a song on the radio a place you onve both were at or an old vacation spot will give you the goose bumps.
I lost my mon 4 years ago to cancer.
My dads just turned 73 and he has his issues but is active and still goes to work every day. He is a tough old man. Just this weekend he was lifting a window air conditioner like he was 20.*
Like you my mom and I were close and that the hardest part of the loss.
Better days to come.

07-28-2014, 07:40 AM
I feel your loss, and my deepest condolences, if you're ever looking to get
Out just give me a call... 732-585-7118 - out of shark river. Only a 20' er but it's what I have now...

Same offer here out of Raritan Bay (pmme). Lost my dad 5 years ago to cancer as well. Worked side by side with him for over 30 years.

He hated to fish but would take me and my brothers out because he knew we loved it. It's the good memories that keep him with me every day.

07-28-2014, 07:53 AM
I'm very sorry for your loss. I lost my Mom 11 years ago this month to Merkel Cell . Which was an extremely rare form of a skin cancer. I know 11 years ago they really didn't have a handle on this yet. Was wondering if they made any strides . Well I hope you get out fishing soon and enjoy yourself.

07-28-2014, 08:32 AM
My condolences, cancer took my fishing partner (dad) at too young an age.

Sounds to me like you were blessed having all the memories you do. She will live on in you forever.

07-28-2014, 08:38 AM
Very sorry for your loss.

Gerry Zagorski
07-28-2014, 10:41 AM
Sorry for your loss. Take comfort in the fact that Mom is no longer suffering and is in a much better place.

07-28-2014, 04:39 PM
I'd like to thank you all for the kind words. I truly appreciate it.


07-28-2014, 07:06 PM
Sorry to hear of your loss. I know she is in a better place looking down waiting to see your next fishing pics.

07-29-2014, 09:57 AM

Very sorry to hear about the loss of your Mom. You will always have good memories of days growing up and your summer vacations. Just like you I have found out that as our parents get older we then as son's become the parent and caregivers to them.

My mom is 76 and is one tough German lady who does not no how to slow down as she takes care of everyone except herself. She has bad Arthritis in her hands and has a week heart. She is in constant pain in her hands which has slowed her down considerably. My Dad is 81 and has Dementia/Alzhymers and is not in such great health and makes life for my mom very stressful with his condition. Luckily I have my brother and sister to help out but it is constant daily occurrence that I need to be around to help them out.

It was my dad who got us started in fishing by taking us crabbing and snapper fishing in the bay as well as party boat trips for Blues out of AH. I remember coming home with garbage can full of blues and dumping them in the bath tub and my mom freaking out with all the blood and smell in her bathroom.

Between working 80 plus hours a week and taking care of my parents and elderly neighbor getting out on the water and fishing seems to be my outlet to relax, recharge the batteries and put life challenges behind me for a couple of hours.

I commend you on stepping up to the plate and taking care of her in her time of need. I dread the day that they will no longer be with us and do our best to enjoy the time we still have with them. We truly have a great group of people here on this site. Even though we have not met, you have the njfishing family here to support you if ever you are in need or just want to get out and go fishing.
