View Full Version : Looking for opinions

Joey Dah Fish
07-27-2014, 02:36 PM
A friend of mine headed out the other day just before dusk to do a dinner cruise with his girl friend. He doesn't have a GPS on the boat and relies on an IPad for navigation. He gets out of the place after dinner an finds that the IPad he though was in the boat was not. Had to drive all the way back through the river in the dark with out a nav system. Making his girlfriend extremely nervous. My question to all is. Do you think it is good practice to
A) use an iPad for your nav system?
B) not check your electronics before you leave the slip especially in the late day?
This person knows who he is. I would just like to know what you all think.
My opinion that I stated to him is. He has is danger end himself, his girlfriend and others on the water by not being properly prepared to start his venture, and though an IPad is capable of doing nav that the reason you should use one is exactly because on his situation. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Just want to hear from you all to see if I'm off base.

Rob B
07-27-2014, 02:51 PM
You should be able to operate with out any electronics. we lost a port alternator yesterday and drained the battery fast and had no electronics. If im headed offshore i always keep track of the compass heading to for the ride home in case of something happening.

07-27-2014, 02:51 PM
Electronics are nice. But people used to navigate along time with out them by using a compass or the stars. Don't know his experience but by looking at the shore lights, buoys etc. you should be able to get yourself back. Fog is a different story. Many vessels have run aground using gps and loran. But he should have done a quick check of his equipment before leaving port.

07-27-2014, 03:03 PM
Lack ofexperience at night is a scary thing one night this past spring me my brother and a couple guys were fishing the river as we watched this guy barreling at us eventually my buddy took the spot light ouy and light him up i know he urinated his pants he was extremely thankful for us taking action as he drifted infront of us thanking us over and over. Think how we felt! Id say your buddy def shouldn't rely on just a ipad

Joey Dah Fish
07-27-2014, 03:13 PM
You should be able to operate with out any electronics. we lost a port alternator yesterday and drained the battery fast and had no electronics. If im headed offshore i always keep track of the compass heading to for the ride home in case of something happening.

I agree but did you have working GPS when you left the dock?

Rob B
07-27-2014, 03:25 PM
yes, i see your point

NJ Dave
07-27-2014, 03:57 PM
Remember when we all read maps.

Joey Dah Fish
07-27-2014, 04:04 PM
Remember when we all read maps.

Yes I do. But at night in the River ? Taking it for granted your map is in the boat? Instead of checking before you depart?

I would appreciate your response to the question.
I'm trying to find out what people think on subject

07-27-2014, 04:15 PM
Every now and then, i like to mix it up with my very temporary amnesia! Just to keep the Mrs. alert and aware that running a boat is a team effort. Maybe the dude had alot on his mind b4 dinner? Chances are, this cool cat is no rookie yachtsman and knew his way around. If he messes anything up, it would probably be the date!:D

07-27-2014, 04:22 PM
Should not be out at night if you can't find your way around a river without electronics. Lights on the boat, compass and a flashlight should get you home in most instances.

07-27-2014, 04:38 PM
I'm sure he spent a few bucks on his Ipad. Why not invest in a dedicated nav system for the boat? The are pretty cheap these days. Safety first. If you cant get it home safely don't take it out.

shrimpman steve
07-27-2014, 05:28 PM
I just want to be clear.....it wasn't me:)

07-27-2014, 05:56 PM
Problem was telling the girlfriend. I could imagine my wife in that situation. Couldn't have been helpful.

Joey Dah Fish
07-27-2014, 06:56 PM
Lol Tom or explains your girl friend to your wife :) no it wasn't Shrimpy

07-27-2014, 06:59 PM
I pad aint going to help you in the river keeping you in the channel.

07-27-2014, 07:00 PM
Should not be out at night if you can't find your way around a river without electronics. Lights on the boat, compass and a flashlight should get you home in most instances.

I must go with this as well.. Before electronics we just slowed down, checked the compass, used our nav lights, maybe a spot or flashlight , watched the bouys.. If he was on his "home" river where the boat is docked or launched, geez, he should be able to get back easily.. New body of water, there might be some issues... We rely way too much on technology these days, and not near enough on plain old common sense... bob

07-27-2014, 07:15 PM
Just take your freakin' car to a restaurant at night.

07-27-2014, 07:43 PM
I just want to be clear.....it wasn't me:)

Lmfao!!!!!! Sorry Shrimpy , that was funny as hell!

Agreed, if your planning a trip that is going into the night, you better know your route, otherwise, stay on land... Larger bodies of water can get you in trouble. I'm blessed to be in the shark river, if your not in the channels, your hitting mud.. I guess that helps those out down here...:rolleyes:, but knowing a few larger bodies as well- you should know your shite before leaving or have redundant systems, and a spotlight,flashlight, and other means of navigation like chart and compass just Incase...

07-27-2014, 07:44 PM
My , boat would cut out the circuit after alittle bit , running at night , which ment my electronics , lights and everything would cut out ......leaving me a blind duck in the water after 5-10 hit the breakera and would come on for a few and cut back out....when you dont have any lighting or a way for someone to see you is scary , if u just dont have a gps then not to bad especially if your familiar with the area ...i know the raitan pretty good by landmarks ....so if i were to go out at night blind i could be ok .....but gps makes it alot easier ...just always be ware of ur surrounding , listen for horns and look for lights ....and most important go slow !!!

07-27-2014, 07:55 PM
Electronics should be a luxury not a necessity. I still take compass bearings in case of power failure. As far as navigating a river at night, i dont think i would rely on a smart phone app when a matter of feet can mean the difference between staying safe or ending up on a rock pile

Reel Class
07-28-2014, 06:28 AM
Depending on your iPad for navigation is a bad idea.

While running in complete darkness, OR IN ANY CONDITIONS FOR THAT MATTER, you should not be dependent on your electronics (Meaning GPS or NAV system) to get you where you need to be safely. A LOT can go wrong in a few minutes while you take your eyes off the water.

Knowing lights, landmarks, where markers are, where sandbars may be, are all essentials that any boater should not look to technology to get them through. You should know the water you're navigating well, so that in case of any form of failure, you know where to go and where to avoid!

07-28-2014, 07:16 AM
in the dark, the only safe way to navigate is by knowing the navigational aids (channel markers, etc) and having a spotlight on board. burying ones head in the glow of the GPS screen and trying to follow the vessels previous track is just as problematic as using an ipad, imho. ideally a combination of electronics, familiarity with the waterway by day, and knowledge of the lights and channel markers (and the ability to spotlight them) is the best way.

07-28-2014, 11:09 AM
I do use an iPad for navigation (iNavx w/ an external bluetooth GPS). I also have a older Lowrance gps/chartplotter/fishfinder with older maps, I'm unable to update the maps due to the age of the unit. Finally, I have paper charts for the areas I fish and I know how to navigate via dead-reckoning.

I personally love the iNavx application, packed with functionality and it's extremely easy to load the most current charts. However, I would never venture out with just the electronics.

Capt. Debbie
07-28-2014, 01:54 PM
A dinner cruise does not sound like looking for a 150' long wreck 70 miles offshore. Riding around a bay does not need a GPS. If fact if you're that dependent on instruments you should be even more careful.

Complete reliance on GPS's have put many a boat aground inside the SH #11 buoy. GPS plotter was wrong. No water where shown.

A friend of mine headed out the other day just before dusk to do a dinner cruise with his girl friend. He doesn't have a GPS on the boat and relies on an IPad for navigation. He gets out of the place after dinner an finds that the IPad he though was in the boat was not. Had to drive all the way back through the river in the dark with out a nav system. Making his girlfriend extremely nervous. My question to all is. Do you think it is good practice to
A) use an iPad for your nav system?
B) not check your electronics before you leave the slip especially in the late day?
This person knows who he is. I would just like to know what you all think.
My opinion that I stated to him is. He has is danger end himself, his girlfriend and others on the water by not being properly prepared to start his venture, and though an IPad is capable of doing nav that the reason you should use one is exactly because on his situation. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Just want to hear from you all to see if I'm off base.

Capt. Lou
07-28-2014, 07:15 PM
Most I'm sure don't follow a couple of guidelines for night running in most waters , one is a good spotlight , second compass & chart of area u frequent most .
The spot will let u identifiy channel markers, u can then coordinate to chart for DR position !
Once u r see where u r , should be able to navigate home safely using chart & DR UR position via channel markers or visual aids UR familiar with in region!
As stated do it in steps & proceed slowly !

07-29-2014, 05:10 AM