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View Full Version : Island Beach Fishing/Camping?

07-25-2014, 09:11 PM
I took my wife and little girl to Island Beach for the first time ever today. My dad spent a lot of time there as a kid-my grandfather would load the family up and drive down for the weekend. He'd surf fish all weekend and they would basically camp on the beach Friday and Saturday night in a truck bed camper. That was the early '60s though-can you still do that? I know that at least one person has to be actively fishing at all times between midnight and 4:00 a.m. How strict are they on that-for example, if it's 2:00 a.m. and I've been sitting there since 10:00 and nothing is biting can I call it a night, hit the sack and try again in the morning or will I get a knock on my window from a ranger telling me I have to get back to fishing or leave? Can you bring a tent on the beach or do you have to stay in your vehicle? I have an mid sized-SUV, so not the greatest for sleeping in. I know all about the permits, the equipment needed, and have done enough four wheeling in the pines on sugar sand to know how to drive on a beach without getting stuck or tearing things up.

What about Tices' Shoal? I've heard about it before but only saw it for the first time today. We walked down the boardwalk and waded out to where the boats were anchored. I heard it had been closed down for a while because it got too rowdy, but people seemed to be coming and going on and off the island, hanging out on their boats, etc... Looks like a lot of fun. I don't have a boat yet, but I think we might rent a skiff from Bob's Boat rentals when we're down on LBI next year and take my daughter to Island Beach for the day. I'm hoping to start a new tradition with the family down there-it's a win-win for everyone since I get to fish and my wife and kids get to enjoy the beach and the bay.

07-25-2014, 10:40 PM

If you are not fishing, you can park in a lot. Guess they don't want you to be sleeping and get pulled out with the incoming tide. :eek: