Capt. JJ
07-22-2014, 12:58 PM
BYOJ (and gulp... worms... jellies... gummy-mullets... home-made garden hose worms... jigheads made out of rolled-up pics of your ex-wife... Tampa VII tee-shirts... donuts made without dough, or nuts...fake-water cigarettes for Jerry to puff on during slow drifts, and of course, twenty custom rods made by Bogan, Garone, or any of our local faves, coupled with $6000 worth of 10-speed avet reels designed to magically adjust the drag every 4" of line that are reeled in!)
First 2 to call are in..........
or email me at
Capt. JJ
First 2 to call are in..........
or email me at
Capt. JJ