View Full Version : good botton fishing

bunker dunker
07-21-2014, 10:16 AM
fished a ns pb out of pp yesterday with my son.the capt started off looking for sea bass and he found them.my son and i jigged a bunch but had to weed thru allot of shorts to get our 6.we then went to deeper water looking for lings and things.it started slow but built to a steady pick of ling and flounder.we ended the day w/ 6 seabass,2 flounder and 23 ling.

Topeka Boy
07-21-2014, 10:20 AM
Nice job ,Great report Thanks:D

07-21-2014, 12:22 PM
fished a ns pb out of pp yesterday with my son.the capt started off looking for sea bass and he found them.my son and i jigged a bunch but had to weed thru allot of shorts to get our 6.we then went to deeper water looking for lings and things.it started slow but built to a steady pick of ling and flounder.we ended the day w/ 6 seabass,2 flounder and 23 ling.

Way da go Bunk! Lot of nice white fillets there!


bunker dunker
07-21-2014, 01:16 PM
yes sir!! stopped at spikes and got some crab meat And shrimp on the way home.tonite we are serving grilled flounder with a crab meat and shrimp stuffing.;)

bunker dunker
07-22-2014, 11:02 AM
Wow was that good!!!!can't wait to go back out sunday and try to get some more.we also put some ling and sea bass in foil with fresh garlic,onion,butter and white wine and did that on the grill.i know why I like bottom fishing so much know.