View Full Version : Dirty Water Fluking - Raritan Bay

Gerry Zagorski
07-20-2014, 04:38 AM
Me and Joey Dah Fish fished with our wives Saturday afternoon... Well I should say Joe and our wives fished because all I did was swing and miss...

Joe wound up with 4 keepers and Ruth and Judy kept the poles bent with shorts and got covered up by the doggies.... We must have had a dozen of them. A few friends fishing out of our Marina did about the same.

Depsite the wind against tide conditions, we'd find a patch of fish here and there. Jig and Gulp dressed with Spearing seemed to be what they wanted and bait brought the shorts and doggies.

Got to get this stink off of me... I'd try and set on the first strike, let em take it and all variations in between to no avail. I'm thinking some golf lessons might be in my future :(

07-20-2014, 08:11 AM
Njgolfing.com sign me up! Came out of a long hard day yesterday with 4keepers and a bunch of shorts

Dollar Bill
07-20-2014, 08:21 AM
Water was dirty thats for sure. Even right around the hook. At least you got a few fish Gerry...well at least the other people on the boat ;)

Islander II
07-20-2014, 08:35 AM
Looks like Shrimpy passed on the bad juju to you Gerry. Nice job Joe and girls!