View Full Version : Party Boat Angler Friday fluking

captain george angler
07-18-2014, 06:13 PM
Once again today we had OK fluking with some good short action for the day and almost every one had a keeper or two. For the most part the conditions were poor and had the drift been better it could have been a banner day. Joe Rodd from Sayerville had a 6 3/4 pound pool fish. Al Cohen from Hazlet had 4 keepers and the second place fluke at 6 1/2 pounds. Tomorrows conditions look better and we should have a good day.

Sailing at 7:00 AM tomorrow. Bait was best again today.

Thanks captain George

captain george angler
07-18-2014, 06:14 PM
Here is Joe and Al's fish.

07-18-2014, 08:38 PM
Nice fish landed by your crew today. Rare photo of our boat in the bay in the last photo in your first set of pictures. Your nets were busy. Always a pleasure fishing in the vicinity of true pros.