View Full Version : BOUNTY HUNTER - Open Boat Mixed Bag 7/17

Bounty Hunter
07-18-2014, 11:37 AM
Paul ran his second Open Boat trip of the week today. On board we had regulars Dwight, Carl, Steve and newcomers to the Bounty Hunter Al & Dan. The weather settled down overnight and the ocean was calm. We still had a residual heave from the day before and it did slow down the Fluke bite but we did see much more life today. Although we only had 1 keeper Fluke and several shorts the crew put 5 Ling, 5 small Blues and a boat limit catch of 21 nice size Seabass in the box. We spent a nice day with a great crew of good fishermen. The Fluke fishing should show some improvement as the heave settles down. Check the Open Boat Forum for our next scheduled Open Boat Fluke sailings.:):):)

07-19-2014, 01:31 PM
way to put a catch together Capt. Paul and Tony under tough conditions.