View Full Version : How to rig 6 rods for Great Bay Inlet

07-16-2014, 02:43 PM
I have 6 rods to bring out with me out on my boat and just added some rod holders. 3 are spinning reels and 3 are baitcasters. I'd like to get some input on what typs of rigs to put on them prior to going out and drift fishing the GB inlet so I can fish for multiple types of fish as well as be prepared for blues if they appear. My first thought is a couple fluke rigs and a couple top/bottom rigs. Many 1 or 2 rods setup for blues? As you probably guessed I'm not an experienced angler, but I'd like to be. Also, what types of bait should I bring?


07-16-2014, 03:36 PM
Snappers are starting to hit sabiki rigs so I would grab two packets of the smallest ones they have "mind the small sharp hooks" get some live snapper bait for the well, I would also look up the wonder rig: don't cut off the hook... Get some gulp swimming mullet in green and white and nuke chicken grubs put the mullet as a teaser and the grub on the jig and twitch constantly altering patterns from light to heavy lifts, hi lo rig... Maybe, can't say it won't work... If you get snappers they will work, I usually hook through the nostril or eye socket till dead if it makes it that far, then you can remove backbone by cutting from the tail up to gills- butterfly- that should score you a fluke or two... Killies work well too, as do spearing or fresh strip bait, some bunker to put on chunks and see what bites, you could also get some sandworms for that hi lo rig with smaller hooks for kingfish and croakers and such, or try clams. In my opinion I would stick with one specific species like fluke,or small game,or blues and stick with one bait type so you don't waste so much $$$- good luck, I'm sure others will chime in!

Gerry Zagorski
07-16-2014, 05:09 PM
Yes better to target one species like fluke and if you happen to see the birds working have a spinning pole ready with a cast master, crock or Ava jig. If the blues are around they will hit any of those with reckless abandon.

You can also bone up on fishing for different species and methods under resources and fishing tips on the main menu bar here above the message board.

Good luck and make us proud.

07-17-2014, 09:22 AM
Thanks guys! Also, I need to get these rods restrung. What type of line do you recommend and at what weights?


07-17-2014, 04:41 PM
I use 20# mono big game for the majority of my salt fishing, I only use braid on a few select rods. you can go lighter for fluke/snappers but use a heavier leader if tossing jigs for blues, they will rip light line up, even small ones

07-17-2014, 05:45 PM
For the best line recommendation you really need to tell us what the actual manufacturer and model of each reel you have then we can steer you much better...like - Penn 965 conventional/baitcaster...
Where are you from? there are many sponsors on here that wont steer you wrong at any point. I would definitely consider respooling at least one of each reel type with some braid, it makes a huge difference, again what size is up to the model reel ya got.

if you dont know your knots, now would be a good time to practice a few. I use these knots most cases

1- Palomar knot- never failed me with braid or mono/fluoro, a good all around knot to secure your leader to your hook, you just need to be able to get a loop around what your tying, for example a loop around a hook or jig, when things get longer like a casting plug you need a larger loop or another knot,thats when i go to

2- Trilene Knot- always called this a noose knot, but found there was a name for it. good for mono, wouldnt trust it myself on braid. easy to retie your leader if you get your swivel back but not enough leader ... if you choose to use a swivel after your heavier mainline to leader connection. if you were to try the palomar you would have to go around your whole rod at this point so that knot is out. you can eliminate the swivel by learning either...

3- Uni to Uni knot- gotta you tube this one... good for connecting whatever line to line you have, great for adding topshots if you want a little more shock/re-tieable leader or ....

4- Red Phillips knot- im lazy so I usually do this one for my braid to leader connection... its like the uni but a lil faster

5- Dropper loop- not just the double overhand sinker loop the actual dropper loop that you tie for a teaser above a jig or to make your own high low rigs and such. Again you tube has some good videos on all of these.

Good luck and dont forget to figure out how to post pictures on here so we can see how you did. I use the photobucket app on my Iphone , its straightfoward . You can do a search here for almost any past topic and have days of reading ahead of you. Best of luck out there!