View Full Version : Sunday Fluking Quality over Quantity

Garone Custom Rods
07-15-2014, 09:08 AM
Its been a tough fluke season for a lot of guys and for me it has been no different. I had been out three times prior to this trip and each time only had 2 keepers with very few shorts to show for my efforts. I knew things would have to change eventually, and they sort of did.

We left out of South Amboy around 530 and headed out to the reach. A couple of drifts only resulted in one short where the captain had fish the day before. He decided to make a long run over to NY and it paid off. Not long after I landed the first keeper of the day a nice 4#. Next drift a few shorts and smooth dogs come up. I feel weight, set the hook and my seeker BC706S doubles over, but the fish fights like a big dogfish with no head shakes. To my surprise its a nice fluke ended up going 6.5#. We pound the area and pull a few more keepers including a nice 6.2# for Butch. With the change of tide fishing shut down so we made a move to the north. Hit a few snags with nobody home on the first one. Make a quick move and Joey hooks up with his BC706S and the rod doubles over. Nice 7.5# fish but nobody else had a bite. I make the comment that there have to be a few more nice ones down there. Next drift over the same spot Joey drops down and hits another one on the head. This one went 8.2#. Bounced around a bit more and picked away with a few more keepers and shorts. I ended the day with 3 keepers so my average went up. We finished the day with 17 keepers for 7 guys with 4 fish over 6# and another 3 over 4#.

Me with my biggest

Butch with his

Joey with his 2 big fish

Gerry Zagorski
07-15-2014, 09:16 AM
Nice trip Mike!

Kenny V
07-15-2014, 12:57 PM
yup noticed same thing dang water still cold sheesh June is like April and July is like June . The bite has been sluggish too up till last week. One thing that is getting better is the quality o fish... even the shorts are getting thicker ..I guess we can say it will only get better right? ;)

Scott T
07-16-2014, 09:07 PM
All quality fish I am going out on that boat in the am I will report results.