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View Full Version : Gulp on plain jig head???

07-14-2014, 02:20 PM
does anyone use Gulp this way for fluke??.. I use unpainted heads up here in NY state, for everything including SMB, Walleyes, lakers, Pike, even LL salmon and pan fish.. It seems to draw just as many hits as a bucktail with Gulp, or any other type of tail.. i stopped buying hair/feather/bucktails years ago, as I saw no need.. However, all anyone talks about for fluke is the Spro/Gulp combination... I am wondering if this is simply tradition, or if the hair and paint really attract a lot more interest when using GULP.. it would seem to me a fluke isn't any smarter than a big old bass, laker or walleye... Is the SPRO or "spro style" jig really a must use, or does anyone do well with cheap plain lead heads with Gulp??.. Please PM if you would rather not respond here.. thanks.... bob

07-14-2014, 02:35 PM
They work that way.

07-14-2014, 02:38 PM
SAM THE SINKERMAN has plain lead head jigs that look just like a spro but they are plain no paint no hair no eyes, they come in all sizes I use them with just a gulp and it does the job caught lots of fluke with them plain.. Now I ordered a jar of powder coat paint from cabellas for 7 dollars and I heat the jig for 10 seconds and dip and it looks just like a chartreuse spro, you can order the eyes also for like 3 dollars and you can make a shit load of nice jigs for about 12 in change, so give SAM a call for the jigs first...

07-14-2014, 02:39 PM
I use the lead heads from my kAyak all summer
because they are cheaper!

they work great

they work great without gulp as well

I often send it down with just a spearing on it

I like the spro better in deeper water

07-14-2014, 03:45 PM
I had a guy pour me 1/2, 5/8, & 3/4 oz unpainted round head jigs with 3/0 hooks for deep water walleye jigging. They have been perfect with 4" gulp in Barnegat Bay this year for fluke.

07-14-2014, 03:59 PM
In my experience having used colored and just leadhead jigs, the color of the jig does not matter, only the gulp does. My 2 biggest fluke last year were on a leadhead jig on different days. I prefer no hair too, and catch more keepers without hair and feel the gulp swims better without it. Just my 2 cents.

07-14-2014, 05:03 PM
Plain jighead works. I've been using these past couple of seasons, god knows if they work better...they sure look nicer to me, but then again I'm not a fluke.


The Sinker Man
07-14-2014, 05:53 PM
Plain jigheads work, but do you really fish them plain. no you don't you add gulp or some type of bait or you paint the heads certain colors. Can we really say that a plain head with some gulp outfishes a complete bucktail? I would think that a complete bucktail with a piece of gulp would be just as productive .. The movement of the hair and the colored head must have some attraction to the fish.. Add some gulp and the setup is complete.
The real spro has become way to expensive for the average fisherperson, especially where we have to fish now. Stop by one of our local sponsor tackle shops and pick up a couple of bucktails made by OMT, PALMER or Bucktail Boys. Very well made and won't cost you an arm and a leg..BUY AMERICAN

07-14-2014, 06:44 PM
sure... all the time

07-14-2014, 06:46 PM
I used to use a spro with a teaser up about 12 - 18 inches. When you lose 10 or 20 you start to think of other ideas. Since most of the fish were caught on the teaser, I started just using a sinker with a fluke hook teaser tipped with Gulp. I have caught some of my biggest Fluke on this rig anyway just saying sometimes it's the color, sometimes the jig but the gulp scent I think is what really attracts them.

Tight Lines

07-14-2014, 07:04 PM
They want the gulp not the jig, it dont matter, i stopped using the painted bucktails w/Hair in the sticky stuff got to dam expensive now i use the bullet style lead head jig slide on 6 inch grub looks more natural , top hook 7/0 baitholder hook 6inch mullet most times they hit the top. Saw a guy last week off the beach using 1oz sinker on bottom of hi lo rig and 4inch gulp mullet got me thinking in deeper water experiment same rig with more lead.