View Full Version : did anyone see the teal blue water off point on Sunday?

06-30-2014, 10:15 PM
while coming back from an offshore tuna trip yesterday, we noticiced a beautiful water color from ten miles to 3 miles out. With sunglasses on and off. Never saw that shade here before

07-01-2014, 08:05 AM
i saw it. i took a quick video of the water. i was out near the manasquan ridge. i thought i was out in the tropics somewhere.

check out the video...


07-01-2014, 08:54 AM
I was coming in from the mud hole and could not believe it. I took off my shades and it was still the same color, awesome.

07-01-2014, 09:30 AM
That's cool. Got to admit that on Saturday I thought the water half a mile off the hook looked very clean and smelled as fresh as I have experienced in a long time!

07-01-2014, 09:38 AM
Did you guys notice a temperature difference?

07-01-2014, 09:54 AM
i saw it. i took a quick video of the water. i was out near the manasquan ridge. i thought i was out in the tropics somewhere.

That's the cleanest I've ever seen the water off the coast up here, looks like the ocean down by the Florida Keys

07-01-2014, 10:26 AM
It was like that on Thursday as well. On Thursday we had 63 in morning inside of Sea Girt Reef and 69 near the Mohawk.

Well said, looked like the water off of Florida.

Gerry Zagorski
07-01-2014, 10:42 AM
This temp map from Rutgers on 7/1 could explain what is happening.

Notice to 2 red blobs that are close inshore, especially the one a little further south and tight into the beach. Lots of warm water close in.

07-01-2014, 11:20 AM
find the day you were there and try to make sense of it... no guesses from me-I wasn't there.


07-01-2014, 11:41 AM
Scotty, did you notice the water temp in that area? I would expect that it is an eddy that broke away from the gulf stream water, and if there I would want to troll pink spreader, or at least a green machine to see what it held. We were fortunate to pick Dolphin fish inshore one ime in that type of water. It's great to be set up for those odd occurances. Like having a big International on board while striper fishing so you can take advantage of the Thresher/Mako opportunities. You were very fortunate to run through there. Catch 'em up...................Papa

07-01-2014, 12:25 PM
Here is a pic out of Barnegat over the weekend. Don't mind my new Orange Avet :D It actually looked like sand mixed in, we didn't notice any temp break when we go out of it into clean water.
http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p279/mrac6969/10439442_10152478829101421_9084221710499572876_n.j pg (http://s130.photobucket.com/user/mrac6969/media/10439442_10152478829101421_9084221710499572876_n.j pg.html)

Topeka Boy
07-01-2014, 12:55 PM
Yes I did see it on Monday nice and clear also water temp was 71. Really felt like diving in.:D

07-01-2014, 03:05 PM
went back to ripcharts true color map from 6/29 and you can clearly see the water. looks like bahamas. don't know how to put pic up on here though. stretches up the coast but haven' seen clear shot since.

Gerry Zagorski
07-01-2014, 03:17 PM
If you are using windows 7 or 8, open clipping tool, clip the shot of the screen area you want, save as Jpeg and upload that file under manage attachments on your post here.

Clipping tool is really handy.

Not sure how you do this on a MAC but I would bet there is a simialr tool.

Del River Rat
07-01-2014, 03:37 PM
while coming back from an offshore tuna trip yesterday, we noticiced a beautiful water color from ten miles to 3 miles out. With sunglasses on and off. Never saw that shade here before

That is the word I used fishing 5 miles out of Corsons
Teal. Like the carribean👍

07-01-2014, 04:54 PM
On Sunday outta Barnegat was all we could talk about, weird year!

Captain Rich
07-01-2014, 06:08 PM
I noticed it coming in from offshore Sunday, watched pretty intently, didn't see any signs of surface fish activity, didn't see anything on the screen either, but ran through some pretty big dolphin pods, there was something there they liked.

Pennsy Guy
07-01-2014, 06:57 PM
Happened several years ago on a grander scale...boat I mated on(not that day) caught a 60/65# yft and a white 9-10 mls off AC/OC on the troll....

Overtime Fishing
07-01-2014, 10:39 PM
I was at sea girt reef and couldn't believe the color either. Think Temps were ranging from 68 to 70.5 when I looked.

07-02-2014, 06:22 AM
:confused::confused:Fished out of SRI last friday, couldn't believe the color of the water 5 miles out to about a mile off. Was saying it looks like Florida. Scary thing was, couldn't see the fluke on my bucktail until the teaser hit the surface! Wondering what type of effect this will have on the fish. Out yesterday again, same circumstances, only not as green as last friday. I don't like it, seems very un-natural to me. 45 years fishing in the ocean here off jersey, never seen anything even close to this.

07-02-2014, 08:27 AM
We drifted through the line between teal and dark blue. The color wall was dramatic. No fish to account for it but the water temp dropped by one degree pretty quickly from 71 to 70. We were 4 miles off Asbury.

07-02-2014, 06:15 PM
That color water down in the Keys is indicative of dirty water. Clear, light colored water is just showing sandy bottom, obviously not the case here.
The suspended sand, solids, etc. make the water appear light blue in color, but the clarity is usually bad. Maybe that's why the fluke wasn't visible til the last minute...
It could be silt or it could be the beginning of an awful algae bloom.

07-03-2014, 01:14 AM
I was fishing SRI from the jetty last Thursday and noticed that the water was gin clear at hightide, clearer then I've ever seen there. I could watch the blackfish and bergals feeding along the rocks 15-20 feet down. I could also see my fluke I was catching from a long way down too. I'm sure this isn't caused by the same phenomenon going on further offshore because the color wasn't as teal as the pics shown on here. It was nice to see such nice clean water in the inlet like that. Maybe if it is an eddy off of the Gulf stream and it sticks around for a little while well see some pelagics come closer to shore than usual. Beautiful site, it looks just like the water off of key west when I fished down there.

"Reef Donkey"
07-04-2014, 10:54 AM
Bring on the kingfish and sails !

07-04-2014, 01:50 PM
Fished this past Sunday in the Mud Hole. The water as this thread indicates was very clean. Later in the day we drifted an area in the middle of the drop off which was insanely clear and deep blue. I filled a bucket with the water and truthfully you didn't realize there was water in the white bucket the water was so clear. The area I'm talking about was loaded with sargasso weed also so right or wrong I assume this was an eddy which blew in from off shore with the east winds we've been having. The edge of the drop off had water a bit more green but still extremely clear and clean. But it was definitely not the same as the water no more than a half mile away. On our way back to SRI, we came across the same water mentioned in this thread, teal colored like you see in Florida or for those of you old enough almost the same color you used to see in the Acid Grounds, almost a turquoise coloration. Again it appeared to be very clean even though this water was a bit more clouded. I'm assuming NE / E winds are bringing this water in from off shore but whatever the reason it is very cool. The deep blue water in the MH was as clean as you will ever see, would love to see some yellow fins come in like they did in the early 80's I believe it was. 70 or 80 lb. yft in the hole would be a beautiful thing. It would be a parking lot out there but would certainly save on gas and give some of the smaller boats an opportunity to cash in! If the bait is there and the winds continue from off shire, who knows!


Gerry Zagorski
07-04-2014, 02:06 PM
Fished this past Sunday in the Mud Hole. The water as this thread indicates was very clean. Later in the day we drifted an area in the middle of the drop off which was insanely clear and deep blue. I filled a bucket with the water and truthfully you didn't realize there was water in the white bucket the water was so clear. The area I'm talking about was loaded with sargasso weed also so right or wrong I assume this was an eddy which blew in from off shore with the east winds we've been having. The edge of the drop off had water a bit more green but still extremely clear and clean. But it was definitely not the same as the water no more than a half mile away. On our way back to SRI, we came across the same water mentioned in this thread, teal colored like you see in Florida or for those of you old enough almost the same color you used to see in the Acid Grounds, almost a turquoise coloration. Again it appeared to be very clean even though this water was a bit more clouded. I'm assuming NE / E winds are bringing this water in from off shore but whatever the reason it is very cool. The deep blue water in the MH was as clean as you will ever see, would love to see some yellow fins come in like they did in the early 80's I believe it was. 70 or 80 lb. yft in the hole would be a beautiful thing. It would be a parking lot out there but would certainly save on gas and give some of the smaller boats an opportunity to cash in! If the bait is there and the winds continue from off shire, who knows!


Interesting Dakota - With all those weeds around hoping there are some Mahis around too... Love fishing for them. We usually fill the livewell with Peanut bunker and if we find them trolling around the pots, we stop and throw a few in to get them going and sticking around. So much fun fishing for them on light tackle and good eats too.

07-04-2014, 05:58 PM
Ocean was 59 today from all the south wind

Irish Jigger
07-10-2014, 03:48 PM
http://www.nj.com/weather-guy/index.ssf/2014/07/south_winds_cause_ocean_temperatures_to_plummet_ma ssive_plankton_bloom.html#incart_m-rpt-1