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View Full Version : Gambler - Thursday night wreck trip - last two weeks.

06-27-2014, 02:00 PM
Hit this trip again. Last week was tough for a lot of folks. We steamed 17 miles straight east out of Squan Inlet and hit some really sticky bottom. Gorgeous weather. One guy had about 15, I had 8...after that it was tough sledding for most. Lots of shifting around and effort by the crew but just one of those nights. I still went home with some tasty critters.

Last night - much better all around. As the boat was drifting for fluke during the day they hit patches of ling so we hit those grounds at night. A few miles off what looked like Deal/Elberon. Barely any wind to speak of so no need to throw the hook - just drifted over the rocky bottom. About 11pm, in a matter of minutes, the wind kicked right up. We made a steam a bit more NE and anchored up...picked at them in this new spot but the ling seemed bigger.

Notes....MUCH less Conger eels on this trip....there were many last week. Also, clams were the ticket ...not really hitting the gulp. maybe water needs to warm up a bit more(thoughts). No cod on either trip...and a handful of seabass were taken too.

The same guy who had high hook last week likely did the same again - in the mid teems range. I equaled last week's effort with 8. But there seemed to be more consistency around the boat and pretty much everyone went home with fillets. What a difference a week can make. so the ling are moving closer inshore in numbers.

Tip of the hat to the Capt and Crew...top notch folks on the Gambler.

Pan fried ling seasoned with some Old Bay going on a nice hamburger bun for lucnh.....nothing better. Go get em boys - they're here.