View Full Version : Emergency town hall meeting 7/2/14

06-27-2014, 11:36 AM
EMERGENCY TOWN HALL MEETING 5 pm Wednesday, July 2nd

Join scientists, commercial and recreational fishing leaders, divers, elected officials, marine mammal protectors and other citizens who care about the health of New Jersey marine life. Learn about the harm and risks of ocean blasting.

Barnegat Light Fire Company, 10 West 10th Street

Barnegat Light, NJ 08006
Stop Seismic Testing Off the NJ Coast! - The Petition Site
Seismic testing will endanger marine life and harm NJ's tourism and fishing industries. Stop it now! (16272 signatures so far on petition)

Harmful Rutgers Study Set for July to Examine 60 Million-Year-Old Rocks for Sea Level Changes. The study will shock the ocean with sound waves, the blasts will produce 250 decibels every 5 seconds, 24 hours a day for 30 days starting in July. (In humans, impairment begins when exposed to sounds at 115 decibels for only 30 seconds).

06-27-2014, 01:28 PM
Are you going?