View Full Version : Point Pleasant Canal etc

06-26-2014, 12:13 PM
Hey guys i need some PPC fishing help. I will be in PPB from Sunday-Wednesday. any help in catching something in or near the canal (from shore) at this time of the season would be great. where to go, what bait, how to rig etc. I will be with my son and his friend so it would be great to get them some fish.
I was also thinking of bringing my 14 footer with 9.9 and launching on the south end of the canal. maybe there is some fluke or some schooly bass in the area?
maybe troll around with some plugs for small blues?

thx tony

Gerry Zagorski
06-26-2014, 12:36 PM
I know Fluking is good on the North/Manasquan River side and your 14 footer with a 9.9 will be just fine for the river. You do however need to stay out of the canal with a boat of that size. It's way too dangerous.

As far as Fluke, drifting standard fluke rigs along the channel edges with bait will probably be your best bet. Lots of boat traffic in the area this time of year so be on your guard if you are fishing near the channels.

06-26-2014, 12:41 PM
there are still bluefish in the river on either side of the canal. topwater is alot of fun.

06-26-2014, 01:07 PM
there are still bluefish in the river on either side of the canal. topwater is alot of fun.

thanks...blues or would be just fine...i really don't care and long as we can get some bites..yes i know the canal is nuts and will stay away with the small boat...i hope to get a 20-22 foot sea hunt or something soon so i can do some real fishing.

06-26-2014, 01:15 PM
I know Fluking is good on the North/Manasquan River side and your 14 footer with a 9.9 will be just fine for the river. You do however need to stay out of the canal with a boat of that size. It's way too dangerous.

As far as Fluke, drifting standard fluke rigs along the channel edges with bait will probably be your best bet. Lots of boat traffic in the area this time of year so be on your guard if you are fishing near the channels.

Gerry can i get my boat in at the Curtis Ave launch?

Gerry Zagorski
06-26-2014, 01:18 PM
Sorry Anthony I'm not familiar with the launch ramps in the area.

06-26-2014, 01:27 PM
Sorry Anthony I'm not familiar with the launch ramps in the area.


foggy notion
06-26-2014, 03:38 PM
There's a public ramp at the Manasquan River Club (Riverside drive). Their fee is $20 and the ramp opens at 8AM. Their number is 732-840-0300. Good luck.

06-26-2014, 04:09 PM
If your looking for bluefish on the northern side, make sure you have a moving tide, they run with the tides.
Top water at the moth of the canal is lots of fun.

Foul Hook
06-27-2014, 05:27 AM
Gerry can i get my boat in at the Curtis Ave launch?

You need to be a resident and get a key from the town hall

06-27-2014, 07:04 AM
You need to be a resident and get a key from the town hall

i own a house in P.P. Beach..will that work?

06-27-2014, 07:19 AM
I would def go to the Manasquan River club, as mentioned before. The in and out is easy, and for $20. overall , it's a bargain. Along the way toward the canal, stop by the Rt. 70 bridge, and around "Treasure Island". Also good fluke drifting near Clarks Landing, which is the first marina east of the canal.
Catch ém up.......Papa

06-27-2014, 07:49 AM
I would def go to the Manasquan River club, as mentioned before. The in and out is easy, and for $20. overall , it's a bargain. Along the way toward the canal, stop by the Rt. 70 bridge, and around "Treasure Island". Also good fluke drifting near Clarks Landing, which is the first marina east of the canal.
Catch ém up.......Papa

sounds good thanks....

06-27-2014, 08:04 AM
There are 2 free ramps in the canal area that might interest you. One is at the Marine police which is located just south of the Bridge Ave bridge. The other is at the end of Bay Ave in Bay Head. Both have limitations in parking and overall conditions. Take a look yourself. There is good fluking in the bay near the bay side of the canal and back along the 2 access channels. There is also a ramp near the Mantoloking Bridge that is perfect for crabbing in the bay. It's in the new Brick Twsp park . Fees are posted but I believe it's $20/day for residents of Brick. More for non-resident. Enjoy :D

Gerry Zagorski
06-27-2014, 08:12 AM
One is at the Marine police which is located just south of the Bridge Ave bridge :D
If this is the one I'm thinking of its right in the middle of the canal. If that's the case he is only 14 feet and 10 horse power so he needs to stay out of the canal.

06-27-2014, 09:11 AM
If this is the one I'm thinking of its right in the middle of the canal. If that's the case he is only 14 feet and 10 horse power so he needs to stay out of the canal.

i took at look at the launch at the end of canal...that looks doable...and would would just stay in that area with my little boat.

06-27-2014, 03:26 PM
Hey Anthony, As Jerry stated earlier, the Point Pleasant Canal can be a dangerous waterway for a small underpowered boat. The 9.9 HP may drive your boat along fine, but please understand that the High and low tides in the canal are 3 hours off the Manasquan Inlet. The mid tides, when the tide is running fast in there are in the middle of that time. On weekends the terrific volume of boats in the canal makes the water boil, and slosh off the side walls, making it dangerous for all small boats. There are no jet skis allowed in the canal at any time. The launch at the Marine police can be a challenge when going into the canal at certain times of the tide, even for larger, more powerful boats. Unfortunately, there are canoes and kyacks that have been sucked in by the canals strong current, and there have been fatal results over the years. I don't want to bum you out, or chase you away from this great fishery here, but I would strongly recommend the Manasquan River Club for a $20. in and out launch. You will be very close to the fishing grounds from there in mild tideal flows. I'm sending you a PM now with more info, Catch 'em up............Papa

06-27-2014, 04:56 PM
The Manasquan would be the better choice for "action". Small jigs tipped with Gulp Swimming Mullet, or a simple three way swivel and live killie will find some flatties. The entire channel from the 70 bridge to the inlet can produce. Launching can also be done in Brielle by the drawbridge. Fishing for tog from the canal bulkheads might be an option but with a 1 tog limit, your time will be better spent in the river or the upper bay near the canal. Short drifts once you catch one will usually put more on your hook as you work that area.

06-27-2014, 05:20 PM
A 14' boat in the canal on a weekend is insane and stay away from channels in the river

Foul Hook
06-28-2014, 08:20 AM
i own a house in P.P. Beach..will that work?

It may work as they share some services now. I would Defiantly stay out of the canal. I' ve lived here my whole life and lived on the canal for 7 yrs. I've seen my share of swamped boats in the canal, yours is to small. River options are better. Someone said Manasquan river club , I've put in there great ramp. There is also Lightning Jacks all the way up the river in Bricktown another good ramp. McCarthy's in Brielle has a ramp but nowhere to park. I think there is a ramp in Manasquan at Glimmer Glass not sure if it s public. That's pretty much it for the river. Your boat will be good for the river. Catchem up!

06-28-2014, 09:53 AM
Thanks guys all great info.....if any of you locals with boats need an extra guy one morning don't hesitate to ask....lol.
